Chapter 14: Predators And Prey

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Chapter 14: Predators And Prey

Narration through Melvin's point of view:

""Predators... refer to animals that naturally prey on other animals for sustenance. They develop deadly adaptations, such as claws and jaws, to subdue their prey. However, there are moments when the prey fights back, resulting in injuries or even death for the predators. It's a survival law in nature; if you're disabled, you can't survive. To avoid such consequences, predators instill fear in their prey, rendering them too paralyzed to fight back. Tiger for instance... its roar is so much intimidating it sends spines down chills to its enemy, causes it to paralyze on its spot. Tigers, lions, bears... these three were the ones I believed capable of such power. But the thing i wasn't aware of, werewolves have developed such skills too and they're excelling at it. And guess what? Currently am experiencing that right now yeyyy....... ya ya not funny.

Hii there, I'm Melvin Krelin, 16 years old. It's been two weeks since I arrived at this academy, which is NOT an ordinary academy at all. Making enemies with werewolves is the last thing you'd want in an academy like this. Yet, thanks to my luck, that's precisely what happened. Ha ha ha... I find myself in a critical situation, and I'm still laughing? Well.. am an idiot anyways.....

Currently ethan and Lui are literally like predators now, and I'm the prey? But...but.....but.......""

"When the prey decides to fight back... it doesn't take long for the predators to become the prey themselve."

*Back to the present situation:


Ethan (confident): "Hahaha, it's all over for you, Melvin. You've lost."


*Melvin remains paralyzed, kneeling on the ground.*

Melvin: "Hehehh... so you just proved that, huh..."


Ethan: "Proved what?"


Melvin (smiles): "That you're so cowardly that you werewolves need more than one person to defeat a human. What a cowardly move, isn't it?"


Ethan: "That's not entirely untrue. We werewolves do tend to hunt in packs, after all. That's why we're considered the most successful predators in the wild. And now, you're nothing more than prey to us, heheheh."


Melvin: "Oh really....and what if... the prey turns into the main threat for you?"


Ethan (confused): "What do you mean? There's nothing you can do now; it's all over for you."


Melvin (smiles): "Are you absolutely certain?"


*Ethan suddenly feels a sharp pain in his back and tries to reach it.*


Ethan(worried): "Huh!"


Melvin: Well, take a look behind you.


*Ethan looks back and finds a sharp knife hovering just behind his back.* (Melvin is using his telekinesis on the knife through his eyes.)

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