Chapter 11: Tennis Part 2

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Chapter 11: Tennis Part 2

Having lost the first round to Leo and Mia, Melvin decided it was time to add more strategy for the next round.

Melvin shared his plan with Aria: "Alright, Aria... It's time we use your powers. I know you're already great at tennis, and you've never needed to use your powers before, but this time........, you'll have to."

Aria was curious: "Umm....ok fine melvin. If you want I'll use them, but what do you think I should do with them to win?"

Melvin: Ok so here is the plan..........
Melvin explained the plan to Aria, discussing their strategies in detail.

Aria understood: "Okay, got it!"

Whistles blew, and Kaya addressed the players: "Alright, if both teams are ready, we must start set 2 now. Both teams, take your positions. If Leo and Mia secure another win in this set, the game ends with them as the winners. But if Melvin and Aria win, then we'll proceed to round 3.
Players, you may serve the ball now. Thank you... *winks*"

Girls cheered: "LADY KAYA IS SO GREAT!!"

Leo observed: "Ugh, they sure love Kaya, huh!"

Mia reminded Leo to focus: "Focus, Leo. They must have something up their sleeve."

Leo responded: "Hmm? I don't see any way they can counter our strategy now. You can literally predict their moves, so it's over for them."

Mia had reservations: "Uhh... I know, but... I have a feeling."

As the match began, Aria served the ball once more. Both teams engaged in the initial strikes, waiting to see which team would unveil their powers first.

Leo decided to make the first move: *Gorilla strength*!! He unleashed a powerful shot.

However, just two seconds before impact, Mia's future sight warned her: "Aria! She's going to do something!!"

To everyone's surprise, a sudden move occurred: *Aura infusion*!!

Aria used her aura-infused racket to halt Leo's forceful strike and countered it with even greater power and speed.

The unexpected turn left everyone stunned.

Leo exclaimed: "What! No way she stopped that!"

Aria celebrated her successful move: "Yes! It worked!"

The ball, now with increased speed and power, caught Leo off guard. Even Mia was too shocked to intervene, resulting in the ball hitting the ground.

Whistles blew again, and Kaya announced: "And once more, the first point goes to Melvin and Aria, making the score 1-0."

Cheers erupted from the girls.

Melvin cheered Aria on: "Yeeey! I knew you could do this, Aria!"


Leo questioned: "What! But how did she stop my powerful strike?"

Mia analyzed: "Guess we underestimated them. It was Aria, Leo. By infusing her aura into her racket, she increased her swing power and speed, countering your blow."

Leo realized: "Geez! Who would've thought Aria could do this, even though she's already skilled in tennis."

Melvin encouraged Aria: "Alright, Aria, keep playing like this, and the win is ours!"

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