Chapter 20: Bets of Trouble

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Bets of Trouble

"A huge hall.... Under the academy... , night club... Bar... Electronic club music, a giant fighting ring in the middle, a giant screen above... And a curse pledge upon you as a condition to enter this place. What place even was this? I was shocked that how a big area like this even was underground here? It wasn't definitely done by any students here. As shocked as I was..... I was also amazed by this... I was feeling the urge to know more about this. And one thing was sure....... This night is gonna be bizarre."

*Scene continues*

Ryuza says to Melvin: "Welcome in.... 'The Battle theatre......'"

Melvin, surprised, staring here and there: "Ya.. you said that before.... Mind explaining what exactly is this now!?"

*They both walk ahead and get closer to the guard rails, and watch two students fight in ring beneath their floor"

Ryuza: "See that...... That's what happens here...... Students can have 1v1 duel with anyone they want. And that's the thing everyone bets on too..."

Melvin: "I see.... So the betting is based on who wins the fight..."

Ryuza: "Yes... See that screen above...."

*Melvin looks towards the giant screen hanging above*

Ryuza: "That shows the bet on fighters."

"I looked at the screen... There were two boxes with colors blue and red where the name and pic of both students who were fighting were written in both boxes, including some other details too."

Ryuza: "The betting is simple, bet on either the blue player or the red player. The one who wins the fight, his team also wins the bet."

*Ryuza points towards a certain place outside near the ring, with a big desk with two people operating a computer on it and many people standing ahead of that desk arguing*

Ryuza: "There.... They are betting right now... , and the two students at the computer are registering the data of bets and another one is showing that on the big screen..."

Melvin looks at the bets on the screen: "Hmm... 9k bets on the red player (vampire) and 14k in blue (werewolf)...... Wonder why there are low bets on the red guy..."

*Melvin noticed that the vampire guy is panting heavily while in the ring and looking exhausted. The vampire then rushed towards the werewolf and gets a punch straight in the face, making him fall... But gets up shaking and panting even more*


Werewolf fighting in the ring mocks him: "Hahahah! What's the matter blood sucker! Thought you can match the strength of a werewolf? Hahah"


Melvin confidently: "Ah... I get it... It's cuz the vampire is losing... That's why people aren't betting on him much..."

Ryuza: "Well .... You are kinda right.... That's what he wants everyone to think..."

Melvin: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Ryuza: "This is a trick to make others believe that you are losing... So others will bet more money on the opposite team."

Melvin: "You mean.... He is showing himself weak on purpose!??"

*Bets in the blue team increase to 19.5k*

Ryuza: "Yeah.. I know that vampire... He ain't losing."

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