Feeling like those gray clouds
in what was once a blue sky.
Thinking about us,
me and you,
and remember
how it was
when we were so close.
And I can still hear your voice
telling dark secrets
and going through
my soul.  
I can see you,
your smile,
your eyes.
I can hear your voice;
things that only we knew,
that we shared in silence,
and we laughed at.
And now I wonder
where are you?
Will you still come to see me in my dreams?
Or maybe you don't want to come to our secret place anymore?
And I still see you,
what we could have been
if only we weren't from differents words:
I came here from the stars
and you were my moon,
but now where are you?
I can still see you in my cup of tea,
the one that you loved so much.
But what happened to us?
I'm still here, waiting for you, but you?
You're just a ghost
that haunts me everyday.
And I can hear your voice
telling me how much you wanted stay here,
but where have you gone?
I still think about that moment
that took the breath
from my open mouth.
Was it just a dream?
Was it real?
And I'm here, left alone
in my loneliness
that became my home.
Where are you?
Wasn't all that we dreamed about true?
I'm still here,
waiting for you
waiting for someone
that will never come back to me.
Waiting for someone that I only see in my dreams.
Waiting for you,
that were so sweet,
waiting for you,
that I'll never see again.
Just waiting for you,
the one who took my heart and never
got it back.
just you, the one
that will always be in my memories.
Just you.

                                                                    ~ Giuls

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