Chapter 14 - The Wedding Anniversary

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Bridgerton House, November 1815

The first wedding anniversary of viscount and viscountess Bridgerton was celebrated at their London residence one joyous evening in late November. It might have been an unusual date for a wedding, since most of them occurred during the summer and not in the darkest part of the year, but the house was lit with hundreds of white candles that brought both glimmer and warmth to the bleakness, while the feeling inside the house amongst the guests was even warmer still. The unusual anniversary date was explained by the fact that although Kate and Anthony had got engaged at the Featherington Ball – the last ball of the season in September 1814 – Lady Danbury, Mary and Violet had decided it was wise to wait a good month before announcing the slightly scandalous betrothal, even though it had been blessed by the Queen herself. Then there was the usual waiting time of a month between the announcement and the wedding itself, since a special licence was certainly out of the question, once again according to the three wise ladies and not the eager young couple, who would have gladly exchanged their vows the day following their engagement. And then, after one of Lady Danbury's footmen had discovered a desirous Lord Anthony Bridgerton trying to sneak into Miss Kate Sharma's bedroom in the middle of the night, Lady Danbury and Lady Violet had decided it would be for the best to send the young man out to Aubrey Hall to cool his head, until the wedding finally was organised a few weeks later at the same location. Thus, the wedding had been a small family affair at Aubrey Hall, just like Anthony Bridgerton had wished his wedding to be – already with Miss Edwina as the bride. The guests consisted only of the Bridgerton family, which was already enough to fill two rows in the church, the Sharmas, Lady Danbury and of course the Duke and Duchess of Hastings with their little son, as well as all of the Bridgerton staff. Furthermore, the entire village had gathered outside of the small church to catch a glimpse of their new viscountess.

Now, a year later, the guests at the anniversary celebrations were the same as the ones at the wedding, apart from the staff that was hard at work this time, delivering tasty dishes and keeping the rooms warm. In addition to the original wedding guests, today present were also the Duke of Stanton, Mr and Mrs Dorset and a remarkably quiet Prince of Prussia. Simon, who had been the best man at the wedding, was now delivering his speech to the party gathered around a festive dinner, together with his wife, who had been the maid of honour at the wedding. The bride's sister Edwina had for obvious reasons not wanted to stand at the same altar with Kate and Anthony again, so Kate had asked Daphne instead. Daphne had already delivered her part of the speech, stood now next to her husband and kept looking at him with an encouraging smile, proud over how boldly he was able to speak in front of such a large crowd.

"... And thus ends the list my dear wife wrote on the subject 'Why Anthony is an idiot / Why Anthony should marry Kate Sharma and not Edwina Sharma'. Congratulations to my oldest friend for finally realising which Miss Sharma he should marry. I wish you both the happiest of first wedding anniversaries and countless more to come!" Simon finished his speech and received roaring laughter and cheering from the entire table, apart from Kate and Anthony who were smiling a bit ashamed, Edwina who had just a slightly amused smirk on her lips and her husband the prince, who still was silent like a statue.

"I did not realise that I was being that obvious as well..." Kate whispered to Anthony.

"Well, it was you who were staring at me all the time!" Anthony laughed. "And basically begged for me to take you to the dancefloor..." He added with a smirk.

"It was not me, it was Edwina who forced me!" Kate protested. Anthony just grinned at her, stood up and turned towards Simon and Daphne, who had sat down in their chairs.

"Thank you, dearest brother-in-law." Anthony smiled at Simon and raised him a toast. He knew as well as Daphne how much it meant for him to make a speech in public. "And to you as well, Daphne. My least favourite, overly meddlesome sister." He smirked at her.

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