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The waves crashed against the shore. The sun shown brightly across the sand. You ran across the beach with your mother, Michelle. Your feet slapped the water as you ran, causing it to splash up around you. Your (hair length) (hair color) hair had a (favorite color) bow placed it in. The wind blew your hair softly, the salty smell of the ocean making its way to your nose. You had asked your mother to come and collect sea shells with you. It was something the two of you did all of the time. You ran a bit farther, then stopped. You had reached the area that your mother took you to everyday. This particular area seemed to have the most seashells. You grabbed your ( another color) bucket from your mom and started picking shells up off the beach. Your mom smiled and helped you.

"Look (Name)." Michelle said. She showed you the shell she had found. It was bigger than the rest. You recognised it as a conch shell.

"Here (Name) hold it to your ear, but first  follow me." Your mother took your hand and led you away from the beach. Once she stopped walking, you couldn't hear the ocean anymore. You placed the shell to your ear and heard sounds of the ocean. You took it away and the noises stopped. You giggled and kept putting the conch shell to your ear.

"This is cool mommy!" You said.

Michelle laughed and smiled at you.

"Now sweetie, why don't we go build sand castles?"

You nodded and held out your arms, signalling to be picked up. Michelle picked you up and carried you back to the sandy beach. You sat down and waited as your mom went and got your sand toys. Once she came back out she handed them to you and sat on the sand. You both set to work on filling the buckets with sand and dumping them, creating towers. You wanted a well made sand castle, one with lots of detail. Your mom helped with the detail, because each time you tried you accidentally broke part of the castle. An hour or so later, you were done. You had made a big castle with small windows, doors, flags, and even little people. By that time the sun was setting and it was getting dark. Your stomach began rumbling, signaling you needed food. Michelle picked you up.

"Time to go inside sweetie." She said, making her way back up the beach. You simply nodded as she walked in and set you on the kitchen table. She quickly prepared you something to eat. Once you were finished you realised you were tired. Your eyes started to feel heavy and you yawned. Your mother noticed this and picked you up again.

"Looks like somebody's tired." She said, entering your bedroom.

You nodded as you placed your head on your mother's shoulder. She placed you in your bed and read you a quick story. After she finished the story she kissed your forehead.

"Good night, sweetie." She said. She was about to leave when you stopped her.

"Wait mommy"

"Hm?" She walked back over to you.

"Can we go play in the sand again tomorrow?" You said sleepily.

"Of course, sweetie. Just like always."

Hetalia x Child ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon