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Requested by APH_Nordic_Greenland

Grey clouds cluttered the sky as cold snow fell from them and landed on the ground below. Countless snowflakes fell freely and rapidly from the sky above and were quick to cover the earth's surface in a bright blanket of white. The temperature was very cold, and most people found themselves in the warm shelter of their homes or work places. Others had places to be and had to momentarily face the freezing cold in order to get to their destinations. 

A young child sat in a comfortable armchair placed by the window of her home's living room. Her big (Eye Color) eyes were fixated on the flurries cascading to the ground outside. She was currently on the look out for a vehicle pulling into the house's driveway, which would signal that her father would finally be home from work. She glanced over at the clock hanging on the wall. Her father should have been home at about that exact moment. She continued to stare out the window, growing slightly impatient when she did not see a car pull up to the house. The young girl sighed and rested her chin on her hand. 

The child's father, a Norwegian man by the name of Lukas, had been working a lot as of late. The work had been taking away from the time he had to spend time with his family. He rarely seemed to have a break, and even when he was not physically at his place of work he was still kept busy with piles of paperwork. If he did not have any work to do, the exhaustion from working got in the way of things as well. This predicament had gone on for about a month. Regardless of all of this, Lukas's young daughter (Name) was trying her best to keep her chin up. She understood that her father needed to work, however she wished he didn't have to work so much. (Name) was starting to miss her father, and she was starting to become saddened by the fact that she hardly got to spend any time with him. 

(Name) let out another sigh as she continued to watch for her father. Seconds ticked by and he was still nowhere to be seen. She flopped back into the chair and pulled her knees to her chest, pulling her gaze away from the window. She picked up a small plush rabbit that sat on the seat next to her and hugged it close. 

"He will be home soon (Name), don't worry" A voice suddenly pierced through the silence that had been present in the living room. 

(Name) looked over to see her Icelandic uncle Emil setting two steaming mugs onto the coffee table. He looked quickly out the window from where he was standing then looked back at her. 

"Yea...I know" (Name) said quietly as she slid off of the chair and sat on the floor at the coffee table, her stuffed rabbit now sitting on the ground next to her.  

Emil took a seat on the floor next to her, pulling one of the mugs towards himself and then moving the other closer to (Name). (Name) looked into the mug and discovered it contained hot chocolate with a couple of marshmallows floating on the surface. Emil waited for the beverage to cool just a bit and then took a sip. (Name) did the same. The two sat in silence for a while, drinking their hot chocolate, until they heard the sound of the front door unlocking and opening. (Name) hurriedly stood and ran to the window and saw her father's car, then dashed to the front door in time to see her father removing his snow covered shoes near the door. Lukas noticed his daughter appear and he gave a small and slightly tired smile. (Name) ran up to him and gave him a hug, which Lukas returned.

"Why did it take so long for you to get home today Papa?" Little (Name) asked as she continued to hug her father. Emil entered the room and looked at his older brother, nearly empty mug of cocoa in hand. 

"I had to finish up some extra paperwork before I could leave today. I'm sorry (Name)" Lukas stated as he picked (Name) up. He then turned his attention to his younger brother.

"Thank you for looking after her again Emil" Lukas said.

"You're welcome, it's no problem" Emil replied. A silence then fell upon the group of three as Lukas carried (Name) into the kitchen. Emil followed them and grabbed a package of black licorice from the cupboard. Lukas set (Name) down on a stool at the counter. He then proceeded to begin the process of making himself a cup of coffee. Emil set his now empty mug in the sink then exited the kitchen with his bag of licorice. 

(Name) sat quietly and watched her father make the coffee. He looked very tired, as if he hadn't slept properly in days. (Name) frowned at the thought. Lukas finished making the drink and took a sip. He then noticed (Name) staring at him and he sighed quietly to himself. 

"(Name), beklager (I'm sorry). I know I haven't been around enough lately" Lukas said with a slightly sad look in his violet eyes. 

"It's ok Papa...I understand that you have to work a lot" (Name) responded.

"I'm glad that you're being so strong and understanding about this (Name). However I should really try to make more time for you again. So that's what I'm going to do. I was able to take off the next couple of days so I don't have to work." Lukas said with a small smile.

(Name)'s eyes lit up at her father's words. This was great! Her father was now getting a much needed break from his work and they now had lots of time to spend together! (Name) quickly leaped off of the stool and gave her father a big hug. Lukas scooped (Name) up into his arms and returned the hug to his daughter. 

"I'm going to do whatever it takes to be here for you while also working (Name). I promise. Now why don't we do something right now. Any ideas?" Lukas said as he ruffled (Name)'s (Hair Color) hair. 

(Name) smiled brightly and pointed to the kitchen cupboard.

"Let's bake something Papa!" 

Lukas let out a soft chuckle and walked over to the cupboard. He put (Name) down again and opened it, rummaging through to find the ingredients and such they would need. 

Over the next several hours (Name) and Lukas made all sorts of different desserts and baked goods. They made cookies, cupcakes, and even a couple of pies. At one point during that time the other three occupants of the house arrived home. (Name)'s uncles Mathias, Berwald, and Tino entered the kitchen after entering the house and they quickly joined in on the baking. Even Emil joined in as well when he came back to throw away an empty package that the licorice had been in. The baking session had been full of laughs, even when Lukas choked Mathias with his own tie after he tried to steal a cupcake before it could be decorated by (Name). 

The entire time had been a lot of fun, and (Name) was very happy after having spent that time with not only her father, but her entire family. Once the baking was finished everyone dispersed with a plate full of desserts. (Name) and her father now sat in the living room, munching on the freshly baked cookies and such as Lukas told (Name) stories of magical fairies and trolls. 

(Name) was very happy still knowing that she would get to spend more time with her dad again. Him having to work a lot had been hard, but it's nothing they couldn't handle. (Name) knew no matter what happened and no matter how busy her father got, he would always be there for her. 

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