2p Romano

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"(Name), come here please! I have something for you!" Your father, Flavio, yelled from the bottom of the stairs. You stopped coloring and ran down the stairs. He held out his arms for you and you hopped into them.

"What is it papa?" You asked.

"You'll see my little principessa (princess)." Flavio said.

He carried you into the room where he creates all of his outfits and fashions. Your dad loved fashion, and he made some of the most beautiful outfits you had ever seen. He set you down on a table and walked over to something covered in a white sheet.

"I have worked very hard on this for you (Name), I hope you like it." Your father said.

He pulled off the sheet and revealed the prettiest little girls dress in the world. Well, in your opinion it was. You squealed and ran over to it, examining every inch of the dress. It was a dark blue color made with a soft and silky fabric. It seemed to have glitter all over it, and had small jewels sewn into the neckline and trimming the bottom. There was a black ribbon around the waist with a black bow on the back. It was sleeveless except for the tiny bit of black lace that had been sewn to make it seem there were sleeves of some sort. There were black tights with it and little shoes to match the dress.

"I love it papa!" You exclaimed, hugging his leg. He reached down and pet your head.

"Do you want to try it on (Name)?" Flavio asked.

You nodded eagerly and went to try it on. Once you put it on, you walked out and spun. Flavio smiled knowing that you loved the dress he worked so hard on. He had worked on the dress for three days without getting any sleep. He wanted to make it perfect.

"How do I look papa?" You asked your father.

"Just like a princess, my little principessa."

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