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Requested by LandonCozart1 and httpxia

It was another morning in the Beilschmidt house. The sun had risen and its bright light was making its way through the windows of the home. Ludwig Beilschmidt stood in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for his children and himself. The home was calm and quiet during the current morning hours, the only sound coming from the cooking food. It stayed that way for a little while longer, until Ludwig heard the faint sound of footsteps from the upstairs of the house. Ludwig continued to cook as the footsteps went down the stairs, and he looked over to the kitchen doorway just as two young children appeared there. 

"Good morning you two" Ludwig said with a smile.

"Good morning Vati!" The little girl and little boy said in unison. The children were twins, and their names were (Name) and (Brother's Name). 

Ludwig remained smiling as he plated the now ready food and set the plates in front of the twins. The two thanked their father for making them breakfast and then began to eat. Ludwig sat down at the table with the kids with his own breakfast and some coffee. The family ate together and soon enough all three of them had finished their meal. Ludwig gathered the now empty plates and washed them immediately. Once he was done with that he picked up his mug and looked out the window, taking a sip of the remaining coffee. 

"What should we do today?" Ludwig asked his son and daughter. 

The two looked at each other and smiled, then looked at their father.

"We want to make pasta!" (Name) exclaimed as she giggled. 

"I want to take lots of naps!" (Brother's Name) said with a laugh.

Ludwig turned and gave his children a slightly confused look. The pastimes the twins had suggested were similar to the favorite pastimes of a certain Italian he was friends with. His friend Feliciano was over at their house a lot, and Ludwig was starting to realize that the twins were starting to act like him. This caused Ludwig to sigh. 

"We just had breakfast and you both just woke up not that long ago, why don't we do those things some other time?" He asked.

(Name) and (Brother's Name) once again looked at each other and they shrugged.

"Ok, then lets go to the park Vati!" The two said enthusiastically.

"It does seem to be rather nice outside, so that's a perfect idea" Ludwig replied. 

With that the children ran upstairs to get ready to go to the park. Once everyone was ready the family of three left their home and made the trip to the park. Upon arrival the twins hopped out of the car and ran to the nearby playground with Ludwig following. (Name) went straight to the swings while (Brother's Name) started to play on the monkey bars. Ludwig sat down on a bench and watched his son and daughter play on the playground. After quite some time had passed Ludwig heard a familiar voice call his name. He turned and saw Feliciano running towards him with a small cat in his arms.

"Hello Ludwig!" Feliciano shouted in his usual cheery tone. 

"Hello Feliciano" Ludwig said as he let out a quiet sigh. 

Feliciano then sat down on the bench next to Ludwig and almost immediately began to talk about the things he usually talked about. Ludwig couldn't really follow Feliciano's happy rambling, however he did hear something about pasta and cats. At some point throughout the chatter (Name) and (Brother's Name) noticed Feliciano's presence and the two quickly ran over. The twins joined in on Feliciano's talk and the three of them chatted away happily, occasionally petting the cat that was still in Feliciano's arms. Ludwig simply sat there and looked at the three, and he couldn't help but to chuckle quietly.

Eventually Feliciano bid the German family goodbye and left. Ludwig decided that they had spent enough time at the park and that it was time for them to head home. The three went back to the car and they traveled back to their home. Once home the twins went to play some video games in the living room while Ludwig once again found himself in the kitchen. He was trying to decide on what should be had later that day for dinner. He decided he would ask (Name) and (Brother's Name)'s opinion so he walked to the living room. There he found the two children engaged in a game of Mario Kart. 

"What would you like for dinner today?" Ludwig asked his children.

(Name) paused the game and the two threw their hands into the air.

"Pasta!" The twins shouted cheerfully. 

Ludwig chuckled and shook his head a bit. He should have guessed that was going to be their answer. It seemed they really did spend too much time with Feliciano. 

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