America and England

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Requested by Dramaqueen2905

Silence filled the room as a man sat on the sofa of his living room. The silence was quite peaceful, and the man welcomed it as he sat and read a book. The man quietly flipped a page in his book, then carefully reached towards the end table next to him. He picked up a tea cup and carefully brought it to his lips, taking a sip of the warm beverage. Once he placed the cup down again, he looked towards a crib that was positioned near where he was seated. He smiled as he saw that the small infant lying in the crib was still peacefully asleep. The man let out a sigh of content and went back to reading, still enjoying the serene quiet that remained in the room.

Unfortunately though the quiet did not last as long as the man would have liked, because nearly ten minutes later the front door of the home flung open abruptly and a loud voice echoed through the halls.

"Arthur! I'm home!"

The man, Arthur, threw down his book and sighed loudly. The quiet had been ruined. He looked at the baby in the crib and frowned as he began to hear her crying.

"Alfred! You woke (Name) up you twit!" Arthur yelled and he ran his hand through his blonde hair in exasperation.

"What!? Oh I'm sorry!" Alfred continued to shout as he rushed into the living room and over to the baby crib. Inside little (Name) was indeed awake from her once peaceful slumber, and she was now definitely wailing loudly with tears streaming down her face. Alfred felt panic overcome him and he quickly but carefully scooped (Name) up into his arms and held her close. He began to rock her gently in his arms and pat her back in an attempt to calm her down. The panic that he felt began to disappear. Arthur remained seated on the couch, watching Alfred and (Name). Normally he was the one that handled these situations but he figured he'd give Alfred a chance to try and comfort the infant and get her to quit crying.
Alfred was still gently patting (Name)'s back lightly and rocking her. He sat down next to Arthur on the couch and snuggled her close as he did so. The baby's cries had died down and she was now simply sniffling as she clung to Alfred's  leather bomber jacket. Arthur was slightly surprised that Alfred had actually managed to get (Name) to stop crying. Normally when she cried Alfred would freak out and hand her over to Arthur or simply fail to calm her down altogether. Alfred had always tried to rock her in a rocking chair, sing to her, anything but for some reason when he attempted to calm the baby it didn't ever work. This time it did work though, and Arthur smiled and looked at Alfred and the baby. Alfred was smiling too as (Name) cuddled close to him and fell asleep again. The peace and quiet that had been present before returned again. Alfred leaned down and placed a small kiss to the infant's forehead as he gently put her back into her crib. He then turned to Arthur with his smile still on his features.

"I actually got her to stop crying Arthur!" Alfred whispered cheerfully.

"Yes you did. I'm proud of you Alfred." Arthur said as he took a sip of tea.

Alfred cheered silently then looked down at the baby once more. Now he didn't have to leave Arthur to take care of (Name) all on his own. He could help without being afraid to mess up or panicking. With that in mind Alfred happily walked out of the room.

"Now I can go get a burger!" Alfred shouted as he exited.

"Be quiet you twit!"

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