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Requested by RaquelleKuznetsov and erichelnas

The loud sound of a door slamming rang through the air as a tall man with spiky blonde hair entered his home. He had just returned from a venture to the store, and he carried several bags in his arms.

"I'm home!" He shouted as he deposited the shopping bags onto the kitchen counter. His shout was met by both an annoyed sigh and a little cheer as a blonde man and a small child entered the room. The small child was you, (Name), and you happily ran over to the spiky haired man. The man was your father, Mathias.

"Hello there (Name)! I've returned home and I have brought a surprise!" Mathias stated quite loudly. The other man, Lukas, rolled his eyes.

"Stop shouting, would you?" He muttered as he began to put away some of the groceries.

Mathias made no attempt to respond to what Lukas said as he picked up a bigger bag from the floor and emptied its contents onto the counter. You watched in excitement as you saw what was being placed on the table. Once your father was finished putting everything from the bag on to the table, he stepped aside and gestured to all the boxes he had just placed.

"I, the King of Northern Europe, have purchased many boxes of Legos!" He exclaimed enthusiastically.

You cheered and ran to look at all the different Lego sets that now covered the kitchen table.

"Let's go build them dad!" You said and grabbed a box that contained the pieces to build an ice cream shop. Your father laughed and followed you to the dining room table. The two of you then set to work on emptying all of the pieces from the plastic bags that they had been contained in. You then both took a look at the directions. Immediately you started to build the little character figures. After that both you and your father followed the instructions and one by one you placed the colorful bricks where they needed to go. Soon enough your creation was complete. You smiled at how cute the little ice cream shop was that you had helped to build. Your father smiled too, and then ruffled your (Hair Color) hair.

"That was fun dad!" You said happily.

"Yes it was (Name). What Lego set should we build next?" Mathias asked.

You stood from your chair and walked over to where the remaining boxes were. You looked through all of them and selected one that would build a tree house. You walked back over to the table and handed your father the cardboard box before returning to your chair. You both then set to work on repeating the process of emptying the Lego bricks from the plastic bags.

For the next couple of hours you and your father sat at the dining room table, building several different Lego sets. You laughed and smiled the entire time.

"There!" You said as you added the last piece to the current creation you two had been building.

"There's another Lego set built!" Mathias said cheerfully.

"Thank you for buying all these Legos dad" You said while giving your dad a hug.

"You're welcome (Name)" He replied while hugging back.

At that moment you heard your uncle Lukas call from the kitchen to inform you, your father, and the three other people in the house that dinner was ready. Mathias turned to look at the dining table, which was covered with Legos.

"Oops" Your father said with a shrug and a smile.

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