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You sat in the grass, watching your mommy beat a silver haired man with a frying pan. You giggled as he screamed when the pan collided with his head.

"Geez Elizabeta, stop hitting me! This is totally not awesome!"

Your mother said nothing and continued to smack him with the metal object. The man, Gilbert, was always making your mommy angry, and it always resulted in her chasing him with the frying pan. You felt something land atop your head, nuzzling into your (hair color) hair. You looked up and saw it was Gilbird, the silver haired Prussian's little pet. You picked him up and pet his tiny yellow head. Gilbird then flew away to land atop Gilbert's head. Your mommy had finally stopped hitting him, and was now approaching you. She picked you up and walked back over to Gilbert. She hit him one more time before entering the house. As soon as you entered you heard a sweet melody make its way to your ears. That meant Mr. Roderich was playing the piano. Elizabeta smiled at the sound of the Austrian's music. She walked down the hall and walked into the room where Roderich was playing. She sat on a stool next to Roderich with you in her lap. Roderich stopped playing and looked at the two of you. He smiled and ruffled your hair. You giggled, (eye color) eyes twinkling. He gave Elizabeta a warm smile and continued playing. Your mother and you sat listening to Roderich play for hours. The two of you always did that. You both loved the beautiful music he always played. He soon finished and shut the piano lid. He stood and offered his hand to your mom. She took it and stood up, giving you a hug.

"Elizabeta, is Gilbert still here or did you chase him away?" Roderich asked.

"I don't know. I beat him with the frying pan and left him lying on the ground. I have no idea if he left or he's still lying there. It doesn't matter though." Your mom replied.

Roderich nodded. "Well, I'll go see if he's still there."

Elizabeta nodded and took you up to your room.

"(Name) I think you should put your pajamas on, ok sweetie?"

"Ok mommy." She put you down and you ran to your dresser, pulling out a (favorite color) nightgown. You put it on and got into bed. Elizabeta tucked you in and soon you were fast asleep.

#Time skip#

It was the next day, and you were outside swinging on a swing Roderich had tied to a tree for you. Your mother pushed you as you swang. You laughed as you swung higher and higher. Your laughter was soon interrupted by a more obnoxious one. You stopped laughing and swinging all together and looked at who it was. Gilbert was back.

"Hey Elizabeta, what you doing?" Gilbert asked.

Your mom rolled her eyes. "I'm pushing my daughter on the swing, obviously Gilbert. Now what do you want?" She said.

"Oh, I just wanted to see you, Elizabeta" Gilbert said as he walked up to your mom. You watched as your mom seemed to be getting angrier and angrier.

' Hm, Gilbert is bothering mommy again. I'll help her!" You thought.

You ran up to Gilbert with a frying pan in your hand and hit Gilbert with it. He screamed. You smacked him again and again until he was lying on the ground in pain, you still hitting him.

"Ow! Elizabeta now your daughter has turned against me! This is so not awesome!" He yelled.

Your mom simply laughed.

"I've taught her well,Gilbert." She said. Gilbert pouted as you hit him more with the pan.

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