T.R.C.O.S.L - P1

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Everyone sat back down in their seats as Carlos carried on speaking "we have four goals for the day. Someone needs to run out of here crying, someone needs to get slapped, someone needs to throw a drink at someone and someone needs to get caught on a hot mic saying something scandalous. Any Questions?" Carlos said excitedly "many questions." Gina spoke "this is gonna put our documentary on the map. Get into it, guys." Ashlyn spoke nearly yelling. "Um, the camera guy is coming in fifteen." Val told Carlos "thanks, Val. Always helpful to get your behind-the-scenes take." Gina spoke with a fake smile "everyone, start getting into character." Carlos spoke.

I stood behind the curtains helping Maddox with all the props "okay, is it just me or should Carlos have given 'fake crying' to an actor?" Maddox asked "oh, it's way easier than you think. Do you have a pet who died?" Ashlyn asked "just my dog Joe-Jack, but he's still alive." "Maddox, she said a dead pet not alive one." I said with a chuckle. "Oh, you didn't hear. Um, we got a call in the office. There's been a terrible accident." Ashlyn spoke but Maddox wasn't haven't any of it "okay, can I be the slapper?" "We're working on the kinks." Ashlyn spoke. "There's no time. Just work on your backstories." Carlos spoke stressed.

"Try this. The two of you are in love with the same boy." Carlos started, I laughed loudly at his scenario "sorry." I spoke as I tried to calm my laughter "oh, Jet. We'll make it Jet." Carlos said excitedly "oh, god no." Maddox refused quickly "oh, god yes. It totally makes sense the I, the girl with the dark past, would be in love with the bad boy." Ashlyn agreed "Jet, come here." Carlos called him over "do you know Maddox? She's hot for you." He spoke which made my laughter go off again "okay." Jet said laughing "but you Jet, you have the hots for Kourtney." Carlos said with a twist. "Hey, Channing's here." EJ jumped in a little nervous "who's Channing?" I asked "the camera guy." Maddox answered "oh, he has a name?" I asked again and they all nodded.

I stood on the side wings of the stage with Maddox as we watched from the side "so, you and Jet-." "Siblings." Maddox spoke cutting me off "wait what?" I asked surprised "yes." She said boldly. The show started, me and Kourtney both started laughing as Carlos had to wear a carrot nose and a top hat which looked terrible on him, he also looked really uncomfortable in his costume. The laughter grew when the two girls hit the top hat off Carlos' head with the scarf "okay, stop. Stop. Turn on the lights." Carlos shouted as the fake snow went in his mouth which made everyone burst into laughter, Maddox brought the lights back up whilst she was still laughing "um, I'm sorry but is this supposed to be fake snow?" Carlos asked "Not to instigate anything here, but this looks like sea salt." Carlos added "did I take the wrong prop?" Emmy asked "I tried my best, okay?" Maddox spoke fake crying, which made me laugh even more.

The scene was now Gina's and Kourtney's part together:

Gina: This is nice, Elsa. Us talking.
Kourtney: Yeah, it is.
Gina: Maybe we could do it more often?

"Oh my gosh." Kourtney spoke to me on the side "Um, what?" Gina asked as she closed her script "Im so sorry. Can we cut? Are you seriously gonna deliver your line like that?" Kourtney asked Gina "if you wanna talk about line reading, don't get me started." Gina talked back with Kourtney laughing at here and threw her script away. "Or what? Come on. Let's get..." Kourtney was cut off by Gina throwing water on her, I bursted out in laughter as my stomach hurt like hell. "No, you did not!" Kourtney shouted "shouldn't have gotten me started. Oops." Gina spoke and walked off the stage.

As they both exited the stage "Y/n, are you okay?" Gina asked me as she saw me sat on the floor "sorry, my stomach hurts from all that laughing." I spoke still chuckling. "Here's some water." Kourtney spoke as she handed me a bottle "is everything okay over here?" Maddox asked once she saw me on the ground she quickly bent down next to me "you didn't pass out again, did you?" She whispered to me "no, I didn't." I said as I stood back up "when did you faint?" Nini asked out from nowhere "a couple days ago." "How are you feeling right now?" Nini asked "a little dizzy actually." I spoke as my legs felt like jelly, I sat down on a stall as they carried on with their show of drama.

"All right. Let's do the Ana-Kristoff- Hans scene. Page 24." EJ announced "more laughing to do." I whispered to Nini as she sat next to me "I agree." She said with a chuckle. Maddox pulled in a wagon of ice in it and exited the stage next to kourtney watching the scene from the opposite side to me "and action." EJ spoke and the scene started.

Gina: I'm so, so sorry.
Jet: Oh, no. Are you okay?
Gina: I'm fine. How embarrassing, I...

From mine and Nini's view we saw Kourtney pointing at the board with his picture in the 'bad boy' box to make Jet get into the fake character. "Director, I don't get Hans. He's kinda lame. Can we get him to be rougher or something?" Jet spoke "are you questioning me as a director/actor?" EJ asked offended. "I think maybe that's something I would do." Jet spoke unsure. "Let's keep going." EJ spoke and everyone's head turned down to the script.

Ricky: Hi. Can I ask you lovebirds something?
Gina/Jet: Lovebirds?
Gina: We've actually never met.
Jet: But we're meeting now.
Gina: Yeah, we are.
Ricky: Great. Do you like cold drinks?
Jet: Very much.

"What are you doing with your voice, dude?" Ricky whispered to Jet because he made his voice deeper than usual, once me and Nini noticed we both started to laugh again "I don't know, but it hurts." Jet answered in his normal voice. I looked to the opposite wing to see Carlos giving both Maddox and Kourtney a talk, Me and Nini watched closely to see what was he saying until Maddox squealed and started talking loudly "it's just... it is so hard to see my man with another lady." She squealed again and ran across the stage to my wing, the camera zoomed back on Carlos and Kourtney so I could now laugh so hard at Maddox fake crying scene. "Ugh, what a baby." Kourtney spoke "well, that's a little judgy." Carlos argued back "well, you're a little loud and excitable man." Kourtney spoke back. "What are you gonna do about it?" Carlos asked and Kourtney physically slapped Carlos in the face, mine and Nini's laughter was so bad both of our stomachs was aching in pain.

"Ow! My face. I've been slapped." Carlos spoke holding his cheek. When me and Nini thought the laughing stopped we both looked up to see Kourtney, Ashlyn and Maddox stood with us then the laughing started again once we saw EJ's reindeer outfit "girls, you need to quiet down." Carlos spoke, everyone stopped except from me, it was just too funny. "Y/n, you're supposed to be dramatic, where's that energy?" Carlos asked me. "Don't worry, I got this." I spoke and started to make my way to the piano and fell off the stage "owww!" I screamed and tears were falling down my face "I think my ankle's broken." I spoke as everyone looked at me like it was real.

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