Trick Or Treat

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I've never been a really big fan of halloween but Maddie forced me into this and dressed me up as a vampire, we're on our way to Gina's house as she's hosting the party. I could already see that most of the people have arrived to this party "don't worry, this will be fun." Maddie said as we walked to the house with our hands intertwined "sure it will." I said looking around. We knocked on the door and Gina welcomed us in "you guys look amazing. Y/n as an original vampire and Maddox as..." Gina took a while til Jet stood behind "the siblings out of Shang Chi Marvel movie." Gina said and we all smiled at the answer.

We got upstairs to see Carlos not looking great and Ash having an amazing time by herself "wow, you look great!" Ash shouted out to Maddie and everyone fell silence at the noise "was I yelling?" Ash whispered to Gina as she nodded her head "thank you. Hey! Hot Eleanor Roosevelt." Maddie said as she named the costume that Ash was wearing "you got that? Of course you got that." Ash said still quite loud "hey Ash, wanna stop yelling." I said as I smiled at her "I need to talk to you." Ash said as she pulled me downstairs "we might have a problem." Ash spoke "that you like Maddie, I know." I said and she widened her eyes "you're literally yelling, I can tell she makes you nervous." I said with a smile "but you're dating her, I'm not just going to take her." "Then don't, but be cool. Relax." I said and gave her a hug "your costume is amazing though." I said "thank you, yours is iconic too." Ash said with a smile "yeah, Maddie forced me to dress up." "You're not a fan of Halloween?" "Not really." "Come on, we're going to have so much fun." Ash said and dragged me back upstairs only to be met by Maddie sat on the top step.

"Why hello Maddie." I said as she stood up "you heard all that?" Ash asked and Maddie nodded but we got interrupted by a loud whistle "let's get this party started!" Ricky shouted as we all made our way to Gina's room "Baywatch?" I asked and he smiled happily as I guessed his costume "how did you know?" Maddie asked "he's literally played Troy, he's a fan of Zac Efron. What could link that and his costume?" I asked and Maddie nodded in understanding. "So, the thing I heard downstairs." Maddie started "which part?" "That you two both like me." "Let's not talk about that right now, okay?" "Alright." I nodded and grabbed myself a drink and Maddie vanished somewhere out of sight.

"The party is here!" Kourt shouted "Kourtney!" We shouted back "so, Mack is here." I said as me, Ricky and Jet huddled around the drink area together "I know, he's so full of himself." "I agree. But he is very handsome, so you have to play it cool tonight." Jet said as he looked at Kourt, I nudged him and then we looked at Ricky that's not impressed. "You were saying?" Ricky asked "gotta play it cool tonight, bro." Me and Ricky mocked Jet as he started to sweat a bit. "Go ahead." Me and Ricky said as we gave him a nudge in Kourt's direction. Then I watched Ricky drink some of his drink and spit it into the other "here you go." Ricky said as he gave the drink that he spat in to Mack "you're disgusting bro." I said to myself as I took two drinks and walked over to the other group and handed the drink to Maddie.

"Hey Kourtney. What a flattering sweatshirt you're wearing. Is that fabric?" Jet spoke and I faced palmed at his terrible attempt to talk to Kourt and I looked at Maddie as she was trying not to laugh at his awkwardness. "It's a cotton-poly blend." Kourt replied with a chuckle "oh, nice." Jet said as he was kicking himself at this conversation. "I'm gonna mingle." Kourt spoke and gave him a high five as she walked away "Jetty's got a crush." Me and Carlos spoke as we started to annoy him about it. "People, I will be reading tarot cards in five minutes." Ash announced "what spooky stuff as she got up her sleeves?" I asked Gina and she shrugged at my question. "Let's begin!" Ash shouted as we all sat down together and huddled around Ash.

"Okay, these tarot cards are very special. They were a gift from the Madam Stephanie. My psychic and life coach, who is currently accepting new clients. She asked me to tell you. Wait, are we all here before we start?" "Where's Maddie?" I asked looking around "I think she went to go check on the fuse box. Something about a light flickering." Jet replied "uh, I hope not. That fuse box is really old." Gina spoke and the room went pitch black and a scream came from Maddox which made us all scream. The lights came back on and there stood Maddie "Maddie!" I spoke and saw her hair messed up and smoking "hey, are you okay?" I asked worriedly and then she collapsed on me and everyone started to scream "I'm normally the one who collapses, what did I do?" I asked as I started to panic "someone call an ambulance and Y/n give her mouth-to-mouth." Ash instructed "won't I get electrocuted as well?" I asked and Ash shrugged her shoulders.

"Maddie? Please be okay." I spoke and leaned in but her eyes opened "boo." She spoke and everyone else screamed but I looked at her unfazed "really?" I asked and she started to laugh "wow, that was a good one." Ricky admitted after he stopped screaming. "The Women in the Woods could never." Carlos spoke "I felt like I owed you all a good scare after the legend of Susan Fine kinda crashed and burned." Maddie explained "Y/n literally fell off the log as you told that story." Ricky said as he called me out "it's true." I said with a chuckle. "Alright, should we carry on." Ash spoke and everyone sat back down as Jet and Maddie high fived each other "good one." I said to Maddie as she sat next to me and held my hand "please remember I am new at this and it's just for fun." Ash spoke "ooh, the first card is Death." Ash spoke "present." Carlos spoke with his hand up "actually, the Death card means something in one's life is ending." Ash explained "alright, you don't have to hit me in the head with it. Seb and I are over." Carlos spoke again "and although Gina and I haven't officially declared what we are yet, there's definitely something special happening here." Mack spoke "dude, shut up. Nothing would ever happen with you and Gina because for you Gina has standards and you're not them." I said. Ash, Kourt and Carlos all gave me an applause for my amazing speech.

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