Trust the Process - P2

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Miss Jenn and Mr. Mazzara had their moment until Gina spoke "um, so this has been really illuminating on so many levels, but we kind of have a musical to save." Gina said "yeah, I'm with Gina." Me and Maddie said "same. Love a good boy band sob story, but come on. Mr. Funky One. Don't get us sidetracked." Ricky spoke. "Sidetrack? This is the most shocking day of my life since..." "Carlos, you have my blessing." Miss Jenn spoke "I thought sophomore year was going to be boring and predictable, like a straight person's TikTok feed." Carlos said as he got a loud laugh from me "Oh. Ooh. I literally just shuddered." Maddie said. Then Carlos went on with his story of his first day at school and how he met Miss Jenn.

"And that was the day you named me." Miss Jenn spoke after Carlos finished his story "and that was the day you saved me." Carlos spoke as they shared a tight hug. "Wow." Maddie said "Seb?" I asked as he stormed in "oh, great are you here to kiss everyone?" Carlos asked "Carlos." Miss Jenn spoke "I can't take this anymore. Sit down, Carlos." Seb spoke. "For months, I've been channeling my guilt into latte art. I'm probably the only person who's drawn four thousand cows on a cappuccino. But every time I stare at a cow, I think about you." "Because I embody a cow? You've interrupted an emotional climax here and we're done." Carlos spoke "No. When I showed up three hours late to homecoming after my cow passed away, you were there for me. And I know I haven't been there for you, but, look, when I was making one of my final lattes at Crafty I overheard the most incredible duet between Lucas Grabeel as Ryan and Scott Huang as his partner, who really never got a name according to the script. I want to sing the song to you today, to my Ryan. Miss Jenn is the one who encouraged me." Seb explained.

"You did what?" Carlos asked Miss Jenn "give him a chance Carlos." Miss Jenn said back "Maddox even tracked down the sheet music." "To be fair. Emmy helped me." She said with a smile "That girl scares me." Carlos spoke "me too." I said "Seb, you have to move on." "But I can't. You're the greatest person I've ever dated." Seb confessed "Seb, I'm the only person you've ever dated." Carlos said "that's actually not true." Seb spoke which everyone gasped at "I was once in a serious relationship... with a women." Seb confessed again. "Hold on, you dated Natalie Bagley?" Ricky asked "who's, Natalie Bagley?" I asked Ash "I girl who helped us with the crew in our first 'High School Musical'." Ash answered "oh right." I nodded.

Ricky convinced Carlos to play the duet song and it worked and brought them two back together and once they finished we gave them an applause "there is so much I don't know about you." "Sometimes people put me in a box." Seb spoke which Gina chuckled at and made us all look at her "I'm sorry. Was that out loud?" Gina asked I nodded my head "it was." Ricky said to her. "I guess I also know what it's like to be put in a box." Gina admitted. "Oh, thank go. Take the spotlight off us for a second." Carlos spoke "us?" Seb asked "I..." Carlos hesitated "I love you too." Seb finished his sentence. "Go on, Gina." Mr. Mazzara said. G took in a deep breathe and started.

"Okay. When I started here at East High, I know I may have come off a little on edge." G spoke which Kourt laughed out loud but stopped herself by coughing "I'm sorry. Was that out loud?" Kourt asked which G chuckled at "let's just say, things were complicated." G started and carried on telling her story of how she started here "so, if Gina didn't tell Ricky to publicly sing to Nini he wouldn't have gotten Troy." Kourt spoke as Gina finished her story. "But if Ricky hadn't mentioned he was auditioning, Gina wouldn't have shown up. Period." Ash spoke "this is like 'Murder She Wrote'." Miss Jenn added in. "I don't know what's really going on." I admitted "but this is incredible." Maddie said with a smile. "Are you saying you tried out for the show because of me?" Ricky asked G. "You had a vibe. I had an instinct." G replied "I need to sit down." Ricky spoke as he took a seat and everyone else grabbed a chair to sit on "it's true then. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you." Ricky spoke, Gina crouched down in front of him holding his hands in hers "well, I could say the same." She said with a smile.

"You know, Miss Jenn, you're the one who brought us all together." Gina spoke as she stood up "that's not true. You'd be here with some other dram teacher." Miss Jenn defended "um, no, we literally wouldn't. Have you not been listening to us?" Carlos asked. "Actually, wait. You never told us how you ended up here or why." Ash spoke "it's not important." Miss Jenn spoke "we'll be the judge of that." I spoke "be nice Y/n. Gina is the intimidating girl around here." Miss Jenn spoke as we looked at Gina as she smiled at me and shrugged her shoulders "it was one month before school started last here." Miss Jenn began her story as we all listened. "Full body chills." I spoke after Miss Jenn finished her story "me too." Ricky agreed.

"Y/n, could you give me a hand?" Miss Jenn spoke as she handed me some red bags full of things inside "each one of you gets one of these." Miss Jenn spoke as I handed them out to everyone "uh, these are wrap gifts." Miss explained. "So, that's it. 'High School Musical' is over?" Ricky asked with a lump in his throat. "Jennifer, I thought we discussed this." Principal Gutierrez spoke as he entered the room "I was just dismissing them, Principal Gutierrez." Miss Jenn said "yes, Ricky. It's over." Miss Jenn said "we just got here though." Maddie said as she looked at Jet then me and wrapped her arms around my waist as I hugged her back tightly but gently around the neck. Everyone started to cry and left one-by-one, Jet left with Maddie as she took one look back at me and rushed to catch up with Jet.

We had our moment until I heard singing in the other room, I quietly walked towards it but the others were confused at what I was doing. I soon saw Emmy singing on the big stage then Ricky, G and Miss Jenn all followed me to see what I was watching and we were completely blown away from her strong voice. Once she finished the whole gang was here and we gave her a massive cheer and an applause "that was beautiful Emmy." I spoke as I smiled at her and she rushed over to me and gave me a big hug. "Miss Jenn, we have to save the show. For the next generation." Kourt spoke "I said it now and it can't be unsaid." Kourt added.

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