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Dallas' POV
I wake next to lip and smile at him and his crystal blue eyes pop open. He grins tiredly "morning Dal" we kiss softly and we head to the shower first so we get first dibs on the warm water. We wash one another and get out. The boys are out of the room now luckily. I dress in after moisturizing

Lip grins "cmon" I nod and we head down and sit at the table eating Fiona lays a box down "electric" throwing her cash in

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Lip grins "cmon" I nod and we head down and sit at the table eating Fiona lays a box down "electric" throwing her cash in. It's passed around the table but they try and skip me as usual. I reach in my pocket and throw 100$ in. Fiona and lip look my way "babe you don't need to put money in" he tells me like every time. I kiss his cheek "I want to. Besides it's the least I can do when you all let me stay here." Fiona says "I'll pay you back the money" I shake my head "no need fi. You need the money. Besides I took it from my mother. She won't even notice it's gone" with a shrug. I make my own money as well. To survive. Put some to savings so I can get my own place when I'm 18 next year.

She sighs "you sure? I know your folks ain't the best and you could use the money?" I wave her off "it's okay Fi. I'd rather have you all have electricity. Besides worse comes to worse with them I'll be with Kev and V anyway if not here" lip kisses my temple "take your meds" handing me the pills putting the pill container away. Bi polar. Lip's who I trust with my meds. He makes sure I take them and whenever I hit a low and I don't want to. I know the pills are safe. I can't flush them if I can't reach them. The meds are a bitch to get. I don't even look to see where he keeps them hidden. It's best I don't know. He hands me the pills and I take them, and when I don't want to he's there to help me through and to the point of me wanting to take them. We take care of one another, always have always will.

I nod and take them and he kisses my temple "proud of you babe" quietly. Knowing it's hard for me sometimes. We walk to school after we figure out who's watching Liam. Hand in hand. I ask Ian "hey ginger you're quiet over there" holding my free hand out for him. He chuckles "just thinking by the way thank you for chipping in today. Wouldn't have had it all without you" squeezing my hand telling me we'll talk later. I'm the only one who knows he's gay. He's been thinking of coming out but hasn't yet. He doesn't know when he should. If he should. What the others will thank.

Frank is an issue too. I'll beat franks ass if he hurts him. I see Ian as my brother. Same goes for Carl and Liam. I say "I'll dip inside to kev really quick so he knows I'm alive" they nod nod and I kiss lips cheek and head inside "kev? v?" "In here" his voice says. I head to the kitchen and pick up my book bag I keep here. Don't want my parents fucking up my stuff more than they already do. Kev hugs me "you okay kid?" I nod "yeah. Stayed at the gallaghers this time. But I'm alright Kev" referring to my split lip. He kisses my forehead "I'll kill 'em." I chuckle "I know. I'll be 18 soon enough and be able to afford my own place" v says "sit let me clean that before it ends up fucked" I kiss her cheek "can't. I'll run late. I'll come see you at the alibi during lunch if you really want to clean it v" she nods and kev says "have a good day alright here's your lunch money" I say "Fiona had lunch made for me" holding up the bag and he rolls his eyes "take it anyway kid" handing me 40$. I shake my head "here v. Can't take your money you've done enough for me" and she refuses the money "take it" and I sigh and do and she says "add it to the savings you have here" with that I leave back outside.

I join lip again and he says "Karen Jackson needs me to tutor her" I roll my eyes "no" "no? She needs the help and I'm getting paid" he says. I reply "she's a whore and sucks and fucks anyone who tutors her lip." He asks "do you not trust me babe?"

I roll my eyes at his words "of course I do. It's the skank I don't trust." He stops me walking and says "it's just for the money. That's it" I reply "I don't trust her. Or like her for that matter" he strokes my cheek "I am yours. Only yours babe. Promise. I won't let her touch me. Alright? But I do need the money." "Here" I say and hand him the money kev just gave me. He says "you just gave up 100$ for us. I can't take this" "yes you can. Take it. Tell the whore to get someone else" I reply. He kisses me softly and slides the money back in my back pocket "keep your money babe. I'll be out of there as soon as she starts to try something. Promise. She's paying me 70$ to tutor her." I sigh "if she touches you it's your prick that'll be cut off lip. And then I'll gut her" he chuckles "understood" kissing me once more and we catch up to Ian.

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