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Dallas' pov
Here we are at Kash N Grab. And we pause seeing Ian and Kash come out the storage room. They're wearing two different shoes. Fuck Ian. Lip snaps "You're fucking him?!" We make our way to the Gallagher house and I watch them argue. I step in "Ian. He's grooming you. That's what it is. You're a child and he's a grown fucking man, having sex with you, buying you things. He has a wife and a family. You might've bought him things too. And you might not see it this way but he is taking advantage." Hugging him to me.

He says "I don't see it that way" I sigh and say "I know." We sit with kev and v when they come over and talk about lawyers. I say "I can spend my savings" it'll be all of it. But it'll be worth it. Everyone says "no" "I have the money and this guy seems like he can really help" I say. Lip asks "what about a pro bono case? We can ask about that?" Kev asks "what's that?" "A lawyer has one a year. It's a freebie" lip says.

Kev nods "then we should email this guy or go to his office and talk right?" We all nod and I say "if he doesn't offer it then I'll put my savings up." Lip shakes his head "you're not putting all your money up babe. Okay? We can help you. And we will" everyone nods to his words. I reply "gotta head to work" standing and heading upstairs getting dressed in my work clothes and lip asks "want me to walk you?" I shake my head "it's just down the block babe." He replies "I don't like the idea of you walking alone" I pull him into a kiss and say "I have my phone, brass knuckles and mace and a taser. I'll be fine lip." He sighs and nods "okay. You run back here if something seems off babe." "Lip" I sigh and he makes me look at him "promise me" I nod "promise" and he nods and kisses me "get going before you're late."

I walk out and down the block keeping my head on a swivel and my hand on my taser and mace. I'm pulled into an alley and swing but the hit doesn't connect and one hits my temple making me see stars. I fight back seeing it's my father. He beats me until I can't fight anymore and tears at my clothes and I cry "please!" He bashed my head against the floor and everything goes black

Jimmys pov
I'm walking down the street when I hear grunting in the alley. I look and see a man fucking an unconscious girl. "HEY!" I snap and he looks up at me and he looks a bit familiar. Weirdly enough. I fight him off the girl and grab the taser she must've had and tase him in his dick making him pass out. I shake the girl and curse seeing it's Dallas. Fuck. Her head is bleeding a lot. I take off my shirt and fold it putting it to her head and reach my phone and call 911. The cop from before answers thankfully and I tell him what happened and where we are. Soon an ambulance comes and takes her and I take out my phone and call the Gallagher house

Lips pov
I furrow my eyebrows seeing her boss calling me "hello?" "Hey lip is Dallas coming in to work today?" Kyle asks. I furrow my eyebrows "what? She should be there by now? She left already" he says "she never came in. Tell her it's alright she missed today and to call out next time" I nod "okay thank you" hanging up. Fiona asks "what is it?" I say "she didn't show up to her shift..." worried. Kev asks "what?" I reply "her boss just called and asked me if she was coming...she never showed up" the house phone rings. I rush over and pick it up "hello?" It's jimmy "lip! Come to the hospital now!" What? I ask "what? Why? What's going on?"

He says making my heart freeze in my chest and my hearing to go out, panic building "it's Dallas. I found Dallas! She's not good right now man! Come to the hospital" the phone slips from my hand. I grab my coat "lip what's going on?" Every one asks. I say "hospital! Dallas is at the hospital" running out the house everyone following. I don't stop for air. I don't stop when I bump into people. I run into the building "DALLAS?!" I'm stopped by the front desk lady "woah what's going on?" She asks I say "Dallas. My girlfriend. Where is she?" She asks "the new trauma?" I nod "yes!" "Lip?" It's jimmy and I walk over "where is she? What happened? How did you find her? Where was she? Is she going to be okay? I need to see her now" he stops me "lip. Breathe" I nod and take a breath.

He tells me "I was walking when I heard a noise. I followed it to an alley and her father was there with her" fuck! I shouldn't have fucking left her! I should've walked her to work! Fuck! I say "she's going to be okay right?" He sighs "lip her father was raping her when I found her. She was unconscious. She had a pretty bad head wound. She had things for defense there with her wasn't enough." My heart breaks. I hear vee and kev react. But it's white noise. I can't breathe. I can't fucking breathe. I'm sat down and I hear Fiona "lip. Lip look at me" I shutter out a breath "it's my fault" I should've been there. I should've insisted. I could've protected her. I shouldn't have left her.

"Don't say that lip. You couldn't have known" she says and I tug at my hair and mutter again "it's my fault" panicking. My heart hurting for my girl that's in there that's hurting. Ian speaks "lip I need you to breathe okay? She's gonna pull through. But she's gonna need you to be her rock man. Alright? Breathe" I find myself breathing. The doctor comes out "family of Dallas?" We stand and he says "she's stable." We sigh in relief. "She hit her head pretty hard. We're waiting for the rape kit and samples to come back. Her scans have shown up normal. Looking at where she hit her head she could deal with some amnesia when she wakes. She'll need all of you. You're welcome to stay today as long as you want" I tell him "I'm not leaving her side at all. Not for one second. I'm here as long as she is" walking in. She has a bandage on her head and tubes and wires everywhere. The sight makes me sick.

She shouldn't be here. Like this. He fucking raped her. Beat her. I sit beside her and grab her hand that's cold. Her hands are never cold. I kiss her knuckles "cmon baby. Wake up for me alright? We're all here for when you do okay?"  Not taking my eyes off of her for a second.

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