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Lip's pov
It's been days. I've been helping her recover and try and remember. We all are. Tony came and tried to ask questions but she doesn't remember. Her father is rotting in jail. As he fucking should be. Honestly I need someone to slit his fucking throat. I wake in the chair beside her and stretch a bit. He eyes flutter open as I do so "you know you don't need to stay here uncomfortable for me Lip?" She's more receptive. Still a bit awkward considering she doesn't remember anything. I nod "yeah. I do. It's what you do for people you love when they're hurt" sending her a soft smile.

She sends one back and I ask her "you hungry?" She's been receiving visits and been okay with that from the family. They've been trying to help her with her memory just as I have. I told Karen to find a new tutor, not even wanting to think of anything else but Dallas right now. She seems to still feel that connection with Kev. But no memories from it. I ask her "hungry?" She shakes her head "not right now" Tony's been stopping by trying to ask some questions to help with the case. But she doesn't remember so it's futile right now. Her mother was arrested for a robbery and prostitution, and drugs. So it's looking really good for her right now.

I kiss her temple out of habit and she blushes as I say "gonna use the bathroom really quick Dallas" she nods and I go and piss and hear a grunt from her before she says "ow" I walk back out and touch her hand "babe? Dallas? Are you alright? Is the baby alright?" She touches her temple and asks "lip?" Looking around. Confused. What the hell?

"Dallas?" I ask gently and a tear falls from her eye. "Dallas is everything okay? What's going on?" She sniffles "I remember" holy shit. I smile and wipe her tears "it's alright baby. You're safe here" she shakes her head "it's not alright lip. I was so mean to all of you and-" I stop her making her look at me "baby none of that was your fault. Okay? Look at me? I love you. We all love you. A few words isn't going to change that. We're not mad at you. You didn't remember. You were stressed and going through a lot. And that's okay" she'd snap a bit while trying to remember and even before. Kick us out. She hugs onto me and sniffles "he raped me" sobbing now.

I pull her impossibly closer rubbing her back "I know. I know baby. He's in jail waiting his trial. I got you Dallas. You're safe and here with me. Shhh" kissing her hair as she cries into me. She didn't cry much about it before. Just sometimes. Her having her memories makes the trauma more real than before. Before, it happened and she had the mercy of not remembering. That's the only thing I wish she wouldn't remember. I wish I insisted on walking her to work that day so it never happened.

She looks at me and freezes "lip I'm..." she grabs my hand and puts it on her stomach. I smile "I know baby. The doctor told us" she nods "I should've told you" I stroke her cheek gently careful with her bruises "why didn't you?" The question running through me. She tells me "I wanted to surprise you on our anniversary" I smile and chuckle "I love you Dallas" stroking her hair gently. She tells me "I love you much" stroking my face gently. I ask her "can I kiss you?" She tugs me in by my shirt kissing me. I melt into her having missed this so fucking much. She pulls away and strokes the bags under my eyes gently "get some sleep lip" I kiss her lips "I just got you back fully. The last thing I wanna do right now is sleep baby"

She smiles and says "still tired sleep with me for a bit lip" moving over and I  join her in her hospital bed. Holding her like I'll never be able to again. My hand on her stomach where our baby is growing steadily.

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