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Dallas' pov
I've done a few head scans and they're still keeping me here. I'm tired of this place. The food is shit. Lip says "got you your favorite" coming back in to see me puking in the bathroom. He comes over and holds my hair stroking my back immediately dropping the food. He asks "you okay?"

I say "morning sickness sucks ass" he nods and says "any way I can help?" I shake my head gagging before puking again. He caresses my back. Kissing my head "I got you" I finish and I stand and he hands me a cup of mouthwash. I swish it and spit it out before brushing my teeth. He asks "how you feeling? Any pain still?" There wasn't any tearing from the rape surprisingly. But there is pain there and in my head still. But I say "I'm alright lip." Not wanting him to worry more than he already does. He leans against the doorway watching me brush my teeth "the face you made getting up said otherwise Dal." I tell him "I'm okay" "you're not. You're still in pain and that's okay. You still gotta heal. And when I ask if you're okay I wanna know the truth babe." He says. I tell him "you worry for me enough lip. Don't want you to worry now"

"I love you. Of course I'm gonna worry about you. Especially with what just happened to you. I don't want you hiding your pain through this. You just went through something traumatic. And I want to be here for you through every bit of this. I can't do that if you're telling me you're fine when you're not" he tells me. He kisses me and says "let's get you back in bed okay?" I nod and take his hand and I try and hide my pain but I do a shit job at it obviously because he picks me up "better?" I nod and he kisses my temple setting me down in bed and he makes sure I'm comfortable. "Want the pain meds babe?" He asks. I shake my head "it's nothing I can't handle" I don't want to rely on them and become addicted how my mother did.

Her addictions started from an injury and a prescription. The meds are safe for the baby but I still don't want to risk it. Not only for the baby but me too. I don't want to fuck up and our baby end up premature how I was. Yes I'm a premie drug baby. He points out "you couldn't walk the 10ft from the bathroom to the bed without what seems like a good amount of pain babe. They're safe for the baby for you to take. So if you're in pain like this I want you to take them. I don't want you in pain if you don't have to be."

His eyes soft. I sigh "I'm fine lip I can deal" "I know you can but you don't have to. Taking them means you don't have to sit like that" he sighs. "Sit like what?" I ask. He tells me "baby you're not relaxed. You're tense as fuck. Bracing. You should be here and relaxing and healing not like this" "I don't want to take them lip" I admit. Looking away from his confused face. He turns my face so I am "why Dal? You know you can talk to me" stroking my cheek. I sigh "I don't want to end up like her okay Lip? Injury is how it started for her. I don't want to fuck up and this baby end up premature like I was"

He says "Dal I promise I won't let that happen okay? I'll keep an eye on it and you just as I do with your other meds. Okay? But please take them. You're suffering baby" going to grab the food and he says "V sent me with this so we don't have to live off of hospital food much longer. She knows how bad it is" I smile seeing the pancakes and bacon and eggs. I eat and groan "thank god food that actually tastes good" he chuckles "pretty sure they'll be here later with more food babe" I nod and we finish and I relax as much as I can. He sits beside me and I lay my head on his chest "I can handle it lip"

he strokes my hair "that's not the issue. The issue is that you're in pain when you should be relaxing and healing" I kiss his lips "I just" he cuts me off "I know. But I know you're nothing like her. You're the strongest person I've ever met. I'm here to take care of you. And I know you don't want to end up like that. And I know you won't. Please just take them babe" I know he won't rest until I do. I sigh "just this time" he nods and kisses my forehead "I'll go tell the nurse" and he leaves and the nurse comes and gives me the appropriate drip. I sigh feeling relief and lip holds me and eventually I fall back asleep.

His haven|| Lip GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now