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Lips pov
We get up after a bit hearing noises. She dresses in a pair of my boxers and my 'fuck you, you fucking fuck' shirt. She got it for me a while ago but honestly we share custody of the shirt. I kiss her "look so good in my clothes" looking her over.

Even bruised she's the prettiest thing I've ever seen

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Even bruised she's the prettiest thing I've ever seen. We head downstairs and I pull her into my lap staring down Fiona's dude as V fixes his head. She says "and that's lip" he asks "lip?" Fiona explains "short for Philip." Steve looks at Dallas and asks "and her?" Fiona says "that is Lips wife for all intents and purposes Dallas. She's basically a sister to us, besides lip of course. She stays with Kev and V" I chuckle and he asks "married at what? 17?" I shake my head "not married. Been together for years though. Might as well be" kissing her temple. Steve says "it's not every day a woman is named Dallas" she chuckles "parents wanted a boy. And were set on the idea of having one. Never got told my gender because they were so sure. Imagine their disappointment when the doctor said I was a girl. They named me what they thought they were gonna name their son. Middle name ain't feminine either"

He asks "what's your middle name if you don't mind me asking?" She chuckles "Jett" Steve nods "badass" soon we're sent back to bed and hear Frank get dropped in by tony. And with that we fall asleep her head on my chest where she belongs

Next day

I found Ian's stash. He's gay. He hasn't said anything. But it's not carls stash. He definitely likes girls. Ian's never talked about girls not once. I bring it up to her as we walk home. "I think Ian might be gay babe" I tell her. She replies "what makes you say that Lip?" She knew. I say "you knew" she replies "I asked you a question first" I chuckle "I found his gay porn stash and I know it's not Carls. He's girl obsessed"

She replies "yes" I ask "why not say anything? Why didn't he?" "It's not my place to Lip. He came to me in confidence. He's my best friend besides you. He didn't say anything because he didn't want it to make things weird or her not be accepted by all of you. He also knows how Frank is with him and doesn't want to make that worse with him coming out. He's afraid lip" I love how she loves my family. I kiss her softly "I'm not mad at you babe. Thank you for being someone he can go to. Gonna make sure my theory is correct" "what? Lip I'm telling you it is!" She says exasperated. "Just want to see how it all works and if he'll come clean" I say. She replies "what? Lip no!" But she knows I have the idea in my head and it'll be there until I do it. I walk her to the alibi and say "babe I gotta split. Tutoring" she huffs "she tries something I'll snap her fucking neck. She's avoided it today so far" I pull her into a kiss "trust me babe. I won't let anything happen that'll jeopardize our relationship. I love you. Yeah?" She nods "yeah. Love you too" kissing me softly heading inside her third home. I head home and bring ian with me. We take our shoes off for Karen and we tutor her Karen blowing ian.

It goes downhill when her father finds out what's going on under the table and we have to run. I jump out the window hurting my foot. Fuck. I lay in bed hurting as Fiona touches my foot and I grunt "get my girl! Fuck Fiona!" She nods and leaves me as I'm tended to by V. My girl comes in and comes to my side and I kiss her having missed her. Though it's not even been two hours. She asks me "what the hell happened lip?" I give her the 'I'll tell you later look' she nods. The doorbell rings and Ian and I hide and tell Fiona to say we're not here. She snaps "what did you do?! What did you do!?" Leaving. My girl asks now that adults are gone "what happened babe?" I say "I got Karen to blow Ian. Her dad found out and chased us out the house. Had to jump out their second story window"

She's not even surprised. She replies "need anything?" I reply "just you" she smiles and I ask "how was the alibi?" Kev pays her for working behind the bar sometimes. But usually she pick pockets, steals from her parents, or works at the liquor store. She also found a way to steal cash from vending machines too. She runs scams too with us as well. She chuckles "learned a new bottle trick" I ask "really? You'll have to show me sometime"

She grins "maybe" I say "wanna research some lawyers?" Oh, and her dad is still loose. He fled. We don't know where he is. Word is he skipped town. Her mother is still...her. Supposedly she's a hooker now too. I ask "should I ask Karen what blowing Ian was like?" She replies "no. You already know what and who he is. Stop with your experiments lip" I nod and pull her to lay beside me. "Do you really think he left?" Referring to her father. She replies "I can only hope. Doubt it. My mothers here. He'll come back eventually. Despite the shit they do to one another they still come back to each other" "I want you safe" I say. She kisses my cheek "I will be. Get some rest jumper" I chuckle at her nickname and pull her closer.

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