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lips pov
i stroke her hair gently as she sleeps keeping her relaxed. her fear of being like her mother is just like my fear of ending up like Frank. she's improving. healing. she does have nightmares and wake in the middle of the night which is normal with trauma like what she went through. i wish i insisted on walking her to work that day. it's my biggest regret and i've done a lot of shit to regret. but that...that takes the cake. i knew he was out there somewhere and yet i still...let her go alone. she could've died. she was beaten and raped and she forgot all about me. us. that could've been irreversible. if it was i'd have sat by and made her love me again but still. it's all my fault i should've walked with her.

the door opens and i see it's fiona. i motion for her to be quiet kissing dallas' head gently as she moves to lay her head on my chest. "how she doin?" fiona asks softly. i say "finally got her to take the pain meds and now she's relaxed and asleep" she asks "why didn't she take them? they're safe for the baby right?" "they're safe. she doesn't like taking drugs in fear of her mom" i remind her and she curses "shit" most she'll do is smoke a cigarette or weed with me and drink a bit.

she asks "how's the baby doing?" i smile at the thought of it. our baby. "growing. doc said he or she is a fighter and strong and it's a miracle they made it considering what happened to dallas. just a tiny little bean right now. she's got morning sickness already." i tell her and she nods "lip are you sure a baby is what you both need right now?" "fiona we already made up our minds we're keeping this baby. our baby." i huff. she nods "i know you two made this decision and have a pretty solid plan for the baby. preparation and for its arrival. what i mean is...with her trauma and what she's been through recently...do you think it'll be a good idea for her to go through this pregnancy mentally? i know dallas and i know how she loves you and i know she'll love this kid. but what im worried about is her. with her trauma do you think it'll be safe for her to go through this pregnancy? trauma makes you do a lot of things lip. i cant imagine what she's going through. what i mean is do you think she'll be able to take time and fully heal properly with having to carry out this pregnancy? the last thing we want is her miserable and just going through the motions lip" her eyes worried.

"we're alright fiona. she's working through it every day. she has nightmares and i'm here for and with her when she wakes to talk to and let it out or to sit in silence with. she has us fiona. she's going to be okay." i tell her and she replies "what about her meds? remember when monica was pregnant and couldn't be on them while carrying?" i reassure her "the doctors know how bad her mental health can be and how she needs her med so they substituted so she'll still be on something while pregnant to keep her as stable as possible" she nods and says "can't believe you're gonna be a dad lip" i smile "me either"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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