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Lips pov
A lot of people don't get Dallas. Never mind us as a couple. We just work. Always have. She's been there through everything. Through Frank and his constant shit, through Monica and her shit, us being us. She's always here. And it doesn't bother me the way people think it would. She's mine. And I'm hers. And that's that. I do what I can however I can for her as well. She doesn't mind if it's not that much. She loves me for who and what I am. And I love her the same. We're only 17. We had our first kiss at 14...and been together ever since really.

She's my rock and I'm hers. I truly do love her. And it's not even because the sex is good. It's because the way she cares and is selfless and wants the best for not only me but my family as well, it's the way she doesn't push me to things and lets me make my own decisions. Its because well...she's the healthiest relationship I've ever had. She doesn't judge.

It's later in the day and she's reluctantly let me go to the Jackson house. She left a visible hickey on my neck first. I start talking about science in terms that Karen would understand and she dips under the table with a smirk. She touches my jeans and I stop her "I have a girlfriend" my voice low because sheila is in the other room. she looks up at me "that doesn't bother me" reaching for my zipper and I say "it bothers me Karen. Alright? She's not just some girl that holds a title because it's convenient. I love her. Stop it" she touches my dick in my jeans and I stand quickly. She gets out from under the table and asks "you serious? Your girlfriend won't know. Just have some fun"

I tell her again "I love Dallas" and I do. So much. She sighs "fine. Whatever you say. Continue to tutor me then" sitting. I shake my head "nah I should go" boundaries. I pack and leave and head home and ask "Dallas!" Looking around. Ian says "think she went to go bother kev at the alibi" I nod "thanks man" heading back out. I reach the alibi and see kev but no Dallas. Weird. I ask the only father she knows "where's Dallas? Ian told me she was here?" Kev looks at me and says "code Saturn" fuck. Her dad is back. Not good. Not good at all.

I say "can I use the phone?" He nods and hands it to me "I'd go after her but v isn't here to watch the bar. Haven't had a minute figured you'd be here soon for her anyway" I nod "thanks man" phoning the house "hello?" Debby asks. I say "deb tell the family code Saturn" her dad comes home and her overall health declines. She tends to disappear too. Her dad is out of jail 6 weeks early. "Shit okay" and we hang up. I hand kev the phone "thanks. I'll let you know if and when I've found her" he nods "bring her home lip"

Her dad is a piece of shit. He's worse than Frank. He makes Frank look like a good father honestly. I check all her regular spots and don't find her. I check our regular spots too and see her running. I run and take her into my arms "lip" she sniffles. Shaking. I sigh in relief having her here in my arms. It's been hours without a sighting of her. Been going crazy. "Rhiannon!" His voice snaps. Shit she shakes more and I mutter "I got you babe. I won't let him hurt you" he approaches and I take him in. Anger overcomes me. He's drunk or high. Maybe both. His clothes disheveled. I take her in and see hers are ripped a bit and she's bleeding. He thinks she's her mother. He tried to. FUCK! he says "there she is!" I step in front of her more "your wife is at home. Go home Kile. Now" he falls over and doesn't get up and I pick her up "cmon babe" covering her as much as I can. I walk back to the house and I say "found her!" Waiting for a reply. Fiona speaks coming in the door at the back "good. She okay?" I shake my head motioning to her who's crying a bit now again. Gripping onto me tightly. I go to set her down but she refuses and I sit with her on my lap. "She needs V Fiona. And word needs to be sent to kev that she's as okay as she can be" I reply.

I soothe my girlfriend "it's okay baby. You're safe now. I'm here." She's quieted down to a sniffle here and there. Her grip on me not changed at all. V comes and so does Kev. Must've closed the bar early. V says "hey Dal. Can I check you over?" She nods and moves a bit so v can see her. Kev and V's hurt for her us shown in their eyes. They're the only real parents she has. Kev and her close as all hell. Kev and v met her first. She was 9 and out and cold and alone. Her parents having scared her off. It was winter and she didn't have a coat on. She was tired and hungry. She ended up passing out in front of their house. Kev found her. Carried her inside warmed her up. They had just moved here a few days prior so she didn't know anyone. They've been trying to get shit together so they can adopt her. The process is long and her parents have to sign over their rights. She doesn't want their wrath from whatever revenge they might take.

I take a look at her and my heart hurts. He beat her badly. She's bleeding as well. I'll fucking kill him. I turn her to v and she sighs. Kev curses "god damn prick" he makes her look at him "look at me Dal. You're not going back there ever again okay? Never." V says "we can't just keep her kev even if I want to" kev argues "look at her V. We can't keep sending her back there! He's getting worse! Her mother is too! We can't just sit and do nothing anymore! We have to go to court and demand custody. Because asking isn't enough anymore" she replies "with what lawyer kev" Fiona speaks "we can all chip in for one V. We can't let this keep happenin to her." Dallas speaks "I have my savings." Kev says "or we can get appointed one. Ask a few favors."

V starts to take care of her "Fiona call tony. We're doing this" Dallas says "it's not necessary. I can deal. Find a-" kev says "stop with the 'can do it on my own' shit Dallas. We're family. Alright? You're the only kid we have. You're our kid. It's time we make that official" I kiss her temple "it'll be good for you babe. Besides you're with us or kev and v anyway. This is just so you don't get hurt anymore" kev says "your clothes are ripped. Lip can you get her something more comfortable" I look to Ian as she tightens her grip on the hand she's holding telling me she doesn't want me going anywhere right now.

He nods and goes for me.kev asks "what happened" she replies "I'll just say it all at once" he nods and v touches her side and she winces "they're bruised. They could be fractured but I can't tell. I have some pain meds for you at the house" she nods and v finishes up patching her up me holding ice to her bruised cheek for her. I take the clothes from Ian and she tugs me to the bathroom with her and I hug her to me and kiss her head "I'm here baby and I'm not going anywhere okay?" She nods and think of every way I can end her fathers life and not get caught.

I help her change gentle with her aching body and she asks "how did it go at Karen's" I kiss her softly "we can worry about that later babe. Let's worry about you and what the next steps are okay?" She sighs "I need a distraction" usually I'd offer sex but I know it's not what she needs right now. I kiss her forehead "we can work on that later but as of now we have to face this Dallas. So you can take the steps to be free from it" she nods and we head out the room her putting the clothes in a bag.

We head out to see tony arrived. He curses seeing her "shit Dallas" she sits in my lap grabbing the cigarettes and starting to smoke "dads out 6 weeks early" he sits and replies "he did this?" "Yeah" she answers. I give her free hand a squeeze "he mistook me for my mother" she admits. Kev says "son of a bitch!" Tony says "did he..." she shakes her head "he tried. I fought back and well." She motions to her cuts and bruises. She continues "got away ran into lip. Came here" he nods and v says "we want to take custody. Kev and I. We've been trying for years now and we kept getting nowhere. We take care of her, house her. She can't go back Tony. God knows what they'll do to her"

Tony nods "and your mom?" "She's just as bad Tony" she says. He nods "I want Kile Ferguson arrested" into his walkie talkie. The voice says "for what he just got out of prison today?" "Attempted rape and abuse to a minor" tony replies. "Okay" tony says "lawyer up. Get the papers. We can take them to court for it and try our hardest. Do you need the hospital?" She shakes her head and he says "stay here or with Kevin and Veronica. Choice is yours. I can also have restraining order papers drawn up too" Veronica nods "we'd like that" and with that he's gone.

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