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Lips pov
It's been three days. She's not awake. The doctors said she could've slipped in a coma and her waking up could take time. I've not moved from this spot beside her. I wont. Ever. If she's asleep and really In a coma I'll sit and age beside her waiting for the day she wakes. I pause feeling her and move. "She squeezed my hand" I say. Everyone perks up waiting and I hear it. Her groan "ow" her eyes open. She looks around and is confused. I can see it on her face. She looks at my hand that's in hers and seems even more confused. I get her some water "here drink this it'll help your throat" she takes it still confused. She asks "where am I?" After handing me the water. I say "the hospital babe" she asks "babe?" I nod "yeah?" She looks around "who are you? Where's my parents? They high again?" What? My heart breaks.

She takes her hand out of mine and kev says "your father is who put you here. I'm kev. The only father you've ever truly known" she shakes her head "I don't know you. Who are you people and why are you here?" I soothe her "it's okay, Dallas. Calm down. We're not going to hurt you okay? Promise. We're friends of yours. Except me...we're dating and have been for years"

She shakes her head "that's not true! We're going to move to Chicago soon. I don't know who you are but you're not my boyfriend. I don't even trust enough to tell people what my favorite color is never mind a relationship! I want to see my doctor and to get out of here" I shake my head ignoring the hurt from this. She truly doesn't remember us. Me. Any of it. I tell her "your favorite color is the blue of my eyes. They change with my mood and sunlight. And you've always loved blue anyway. My eyes are best at describing what shade of blue is your favorite. Fi can you get the doctor" I'm not leaving her side. Even if she wants me gone. I'm not going. She's confused right now.

He hit her head on the concrete too hard. Her memory will come back? Right? We just have to work on it. The doctor and Fiona come in and he grins "you're awake. That's good but I hear you're having memory issues" she says "I was 9! And now somehow I'm 17...I think. Was I asleep this whole time? Who are these people?" Frantically. I grab her hand in mine "babe-Dallas...Dallas please breathe okay? In, 2,3,4, out,2,3,4. You got it. Again"

She takes her hand away and snaps "stop touching me!" I nod taking her request. I want to hold her. Tell her everything's going to be okay. That i love her. But she doesn't know me anymore. She doesn't know any of us. The doctor says "these are the people who love you. Especially that boy over there. You don't remember now. But you will. It might take time. We'll do more scans. Luckily your baby is okay" her what?!

I say "baby?" She asks "BABY?! Im not fucking pregnant doctor you have this all wrong" he touches her hand "you are pregnant. It's a wonder the baby survived. You suffered a great deal. Sexual assault. And a head trauma" she's having my kid. How long did she know? Did she know? "How long was I out?" She asks. He says "only a few days. I take it your boyfriend right there is the father" "yeah. I didn't know we were expecting. But yeah. It's mine. She was very loyal. We're completely committed to one another" I speak through my shock. We're having a baby. Sooner than we planned.

She says "sexual assault?" Her eyes brimming with tears. It breaks all of us to see. Jimmy speaks "I was walking and found you beaten and passed out as your father...he was raping you Dallas" a sob breaks out of her. And I want to hug her. Tell her we're going to make it through this. All of it. But she doesn't know me anymore. She turns to jimmy "thank you" he nods "and lip might not remember but he loves you so much" she looks to me "your name is lip?" "Short for Philip. Hate it so I go by lip" I answer. The doctor checks her over and orders new scans and she says "please get out."

I say "I'm not leaving you. Not like this. Not ever. I can't Dallas. I can't." She tells me "I need to think. And I can't do that with you and everyone that I don't know crowding me telling me that they're family and the love of my life. I can't" Fiona grabs my hand "cmon lip. You can eat. We can talk as well yeah?" "I don't want to leave her alone. She shouldn't be alone right now Fi" I say. She tells me "it's what she wants. She's safe here. There's cops at the door as well. Her father behind bars and awaiting trial." I look at her. She's bruised beyond belief, she looks so...small. Afraid. She's carrying my baby. Our baby. A piece of our love. I don't know how the baby survived but I'm so happy it did. Yes we're only 17...but I know I want this. Am I afraid I'll find a way to fuck my kid up? Yes. But I love this baby already. It's like the final piece of my puzzle just snapped into place and made the picture of us whole.

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