Chapter 6: Establisher's party.

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Mikayla's POV.

The establisher's party was the party of the year, it was a night where everyone gathered at town hall, dressed for the Oscars and got ready to party and throw their money into stuff they didn't even give a shit about.

I cared about the event because it helped raise money for an orphanage where I volunteered on Fridays, I was too young to adopt a kid but I could do everything else to help out.

The first thing Marcus and I did as soon as we made our grand entrance was lock ourselves in a bathroom and smoke a joint while gossiping about the worst dressed people of the night.

I wanted to ask Marcus if Kellan was going to show up but I didn't want him to think I cared cause... I didn't.

We headed back to the party in time to catch Mr Wesley giving a speech about how each one of us was making a difference in the world.

Marcus and I reclaimed our seats at our assigned table and I yet again, found myself looking around the place.

I told myself that I wasn't looking around in hopes of meeting eyes with Kellan, I was looking around to see who did and didn't make it to the event.

I guess Kellan didn't make it.

Dang it!

Suddenly the room felt hot, maybe it was the weed, or the fact that I forgot to take off my jacket or maybe it was because I wasn't prepared to give that speech later but I was feeling hot and suffocated and I needed a breather.

"Hey, Marcus? I'm gonna go use the bathroom again, save my seat." I whispered to him.

"The seat literally has your name on it," he laughed at me.

I smiled and ruffled his hair.

"No! Not the hair!" He whisper shouted and slapped my hand away, our bickering grabbed people's attention so I had to leap out of my chair.

"Be right back," I said as I fisted the front of my dress to stop it from stripping me over, then I literally tiptoed in my heels so I didn't draw attention to myself.

Walking down the town hall stairs outside, I stared up at the dark clouded sky, it was gonna rain again.

Pristine island was special like that, always raining.

I decided to sit on a step, my eyes still gazing at the sky as thunder and lightening had an unknown war in the sky.

A car engine roared at the bottom of the stairs, breaking me out of my little day dream.

A guy in a suit stepped out of a grey Mercedes Benz convertible, it was a brow rising scene, the kind of scene that I had only seen in movies.

He locked his car and started climbing the stairs and that's when my brows dropped.



I lot of scenarios made it to my head, I wanted to get up and run but staying put would make me look unbothered and I really convince myself and him that his presence did not bother me.

I expected him to walk right passed me without a word but he sat down right next to me, engulfing me in his cologne or was it aftershave? Whatever it was, it smelled good.

"What? You don't buy his shit either?" He asked, leaning his elbows on the step behind us.

"His shit? Who?" His question confused me.

"My father," he clarified.

Of course, he was really not a big fan of his father, I somehow understood him but still, it was starting to sound like he hated his father and I knew they never agreed on most things but hate was never a part of it.

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