let go of the past, calling you, to me,

7 3 1

In my freshman year, Jaxon was a sophomore. Of course the only thing I ever knew about Jaxon was his name, because he was only popular by name.

The biggest rumor our school had last year was the threesome Jaxon Walker had with the two goth girls.

It sounds vague, but we're in a small town, and how many goth girls roam around in a pair of twos?

Lola and Zoey were strange. I wasn't sure which was which, I just know one had really yellow hair, and the other had bright green hair. Always wore white makeup and batman looking makeup on their eyes, and very rave looking clothes.

I'd think they jumped straight out of a marvel comic if they just weren't so famous around the school.

Caleb Burns threw parties every Friday. The most cliche thing I've ever heard, and I absolutely hated the idea of going to one of his parties.

But, knowing that both Lola and Zoey were drug addicts, they'd definitely be here.

I stood outside his house for a while, just staring at the lights flashing from inside. The music was faint, I didn't expect it to be that loud. A few people hung around outside, smoke flying from above their heads and disappearing into the trees around his two story house.

What do I even do? Am I allowed to go in? I wasn't invited, were they going to kick me out? What if I get jumped?

I'm six foot, surely I don't look that dorky.

Finally working up the courage to go inside, I was met with at least fifteen people inside the doorway alone.

Thank God the lights were out, I couldn't see the faces of anyone, and I'm sure I also looked just like anybody else here with the lights out. Nobody would notice me.

Now what?

I tried walking to the left first, I came across the living room. I was surprised to see nobody dancing or twerking on each other, like how it always was in movies. No, they were all just standing around and talking really loudly, a lot of people were dog piling on the couch.

But no Lola or Zoey.

It stunk here. Really bad.

Pushing my way past the crowded living room, I found a really long hallway. This house was shaped weirdly.

But at least the hallway was empty. Down the hall seemed to be another hallway, I could try looking down there.

Doesn't matter if I get caught here anymore. I doubt Caleb Burns knows all of these people, and I certainly don't know anyone here.

"I'm here with Josh," is my plan to tell anyone who asks me who I am. People are stupid, as long as you sound convincing.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around slowly from the middle of the hallway, a chill running down my spine when I saw the hallway completely empty.

Rubbing my shoulder, I turned back around, letting out a sharp gasp as I stumbled backwards.

Of course in the darkness of the hallway, the silhouette of a tall man with curly hair stood just in front of the light, the only noticeable thing about him was the two giant holes missing in his face and chest.

He vanished just as quickly as he appeared, leaving me to my own misery as I placed my back onto the wall, gently sliding down it.

I think I'm out of my mind.

"Hey...! You okay?" A girl's voice called from the end of the hallway. I didn't bother to pull my head out of my knees, I was too afraid to look up to see nothing but his eyeless face.

Even in fucking death he manages to haunt me. Not that he haunted me when he was alive, I just wish I never looked at Bobby's phone that day. I wish I said no. Why did I say yes?

"You need some water? We have some gum if it's m-"

I pulled my head up, locking eyes with a strange girl with glowing green eyes with glowing yellow hair.

What the hell? I found them.

I managed to get both of them alone. It turns out Zoey was the one with green hair, Lola was the yellow haired one who thought I was OD'ing.

It was awkward. Standing beside the bathroom sink, watching Lola rub Zoey's back as she hunched over the toilet, throwing up her insides.

"Is she okay?" I was afraid to ask, Lola flashed me a smile instantly.

I didn't notice how pretty they were. I never really saw their faces without makeup, I just noticed that they were both bigger girls that wore a lot of black and fishnets.

"She's okay, just drank too much," she replied in a sweet voice. She seems great to have around when you're puking your guts out.

"You said you were looking for us, what's up?" She asked.

Is this even the right time to ask about the dead kid I just saw in the hallway?

"Uh... I wanted to ask about something," I uncomfortably rubbed my neck, she perked up.

"What's up? You want shrooms? We won't have any until next month," she said quickly, catching me off guard.
"What? No. I wanted to ask about J-... Jaxon Walker."

It was kind of freaky how Zoey managed to completely stop throwing up the moment I said his name. Lola didn't seem freaked out, she just looked confused.

Zoey moved her head out of the toilet, facing me as she brushed her hair out of her face.

"Jaxon? What about him?"

So Zoey was the prettier of the two.

"Did you guys... Uh...." I trailed off, realizing I definitely shouldn't ask if their threesome rumor was true. That might give the wrong idea, and goth girls are kind of scary, I don't want to upset them.

"No, we never slept together. He spent the night at our house once because he got too high," Zoey rolled her eyes, Lola gave me a soft smile.

So Lola was the nicer of the two.

"We were his dealers. Did you know him?"

Oh, perfect, so they did know him.

It's strange for a guy so popular, I don't know a single person who knew him personally.

"No, not really. I just wanted to..." I trailed off, still unsure of how to word this. I'm bad at talking to people, I'm not even sure why I tried.

"You want to know why he killed himself or something?" Zoey waved her hand around, her eyelids faintly dropping.

"I mean-"

"We weren't that close!" Zoey threw her hand up at me, Lola laughed while grabbing her arm, putting it back down into her lap.

"It's sweet, you're asking. Nobody actually cared about Jaxon, so it's nice to see someone asking about him."

"It was probably that... Bitch of a girlfriend he had," Zoey laughed, Lola pressed her lips together softly.

Girlfriend? He was dating someone?

"Who?" I asked probably too eagerly, Zoey gave me a glare.

"That stupid bitch... I hate her. What's her name?" Zoey looked up to Lola.

"Andi, Andi Rogers."

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