nothing but a ghost

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 To say I was surprised was an understatement. I expected something more raw other than three word sentences. I expected paragraphs, not sure why. He's a teenage boy.

Which was what surprised me about the things he said about her. Just really... Genuine.

I realized something I never did before. He said he kicked him out once he realized he was a Walker, I thought the opposite reaction would come. They're feared but I don't really know any actual adults that like the Walker's. They're indifferent to them.

The girls in my school practically drown Mason everytime I see him. Popularity was a hell of an understatement. Yet Jaxon didn't get treated the same way. The opposite.


After reading the same twelve pages all night I moved to my mom's computer in the living room, deciding to finally use the internet.

Yet the only thing I typed into the engine was "Command the Alessandra."

Maybe it's some sort of saying I'm not aware of, or maybe a book or movie? I don't understand it at all.

Instead of a definition like I expected, a business popped up.

Command the Alessandra, 1411 Rove, Witchfield. Psychic readings.

Psychic readings? Are you kidding me?


It looks like a dump. No offense, I guess. I don't know. I've never been to one of these things, and to be quite honest, they freak me out.

Getting analyzed by a crazy lady with a thousand necklaces on while she tells me about my dying future doesn't seem exactly fun to me. I wonder why this place was being told to me.

Slowly I opened the door, hesitating every step I took inside of the small shop.

"Hi, looking for a reading honey?"

I jumped, not even noticing the lady directly beside the glass doors, her expression alone freaking me the hell out.

Her smile was wide, wrinkles forming all over her face and her clothes looked like they were torn to shreds. Was this place legit?

"Uh... Kind of," I answered, already forgetting my plan.

"Perfect, I can take you right now. Follow me to the back, darlin'," she suddenly dashed straight to the back, disappearing between two pink curtains pulled together.

I hate everything about this.

Moving the curtains out of my way, it revealed an even smaller box room, a large table in the middle of it, cards already laid out.

She sat on the far side, shuffling a different deck in her hands with a wide smile.

"Shouldn't I pay first?" I asked, she shook her head quickly.

"Some places, not this one. I'm Alessandra, I'll be doing your reading today. And you are?"

She's Alessandra?


For some reason now that I'm sitting down, I have the urge to spew out every single question roaming my mind.

"Is this- is this for future telling only?"

She rose a brow slowly, still shuffling her deck, "what do you mean, honey?"

How do I word this?

"You're not a doctor or anything but if I wasn't doing... Okay... Or if something was wrong with me, would you be able to know?"

Something changed in her eyes, I didn't notice it until she slowly stopped shuffling her cards, causing me to think I said something wrong.

"What are your symptoms?"


"I've been having these sorts of- visions... And dreams. I'm seeing things that aren't really there, and I'm hearing things."

Almost immediately she let out a chuckle, going straight back to shuffling her cards. She shook her hair, causing a few strands from her small ponytail to fall out.

"That's what that kid said too. I thought I'd be seeing someone like you eventually."

What the hell does that mean?

"Sorry?" I asked, watching as she laid out a single card. I couldn't read what it said, I didn't really care about that.

"Jaxon came into my shop three days before he died. Said he was seeing things that weren't there, hearing things, thinking something was out to get him."

"What sort of things?" I leaned forward eagerly, probably too eager. She brushed me off.

"He thought the same as you. If something was wrong with him, I'd know. So, I told him that if he thought he was mentally disturbed, he should seek out a real doctor. He didn't wanna do that," she said, placing down three more cards slowly, eyeing them before moving on.

"So, I told him if he wants to ride it out, I was gonna give him healthy coping mechanisms. He had just went through a bad breakup, and I figured this frenzy of his was because of that. I told him to keep a journal or start recording, talking to the camera about his feelings if he didn't have anyone to consult with."

The only notebook we found in Jaxon's shed was the one about Andi, so I'm guessing he probably didn't journal anything. Could he have recorded something?

I think this lady isn't taking what Jaxon was telling her seriously, but I am, because I'm going through it.

Jaxon was seeing things himself, apparently. I'm not sure what kinds of things, my only hallucinations are of his dead body. I'm sure he wasn't being haunted by himself.

I'm so fucking confused.

She suddenly stood up from her seat, leaving the table abruptly before I could ask what she was doing.

Are they actually just hallucinations, though? Are they just dreams? Just visions?

If Jaxon's ghost told me that old lady's name before I knew it wasn't proof enough, this fortunate teller's name was whispered down my neck.

Something isn't right here, and it isn't me.

She returned to the room, this time with a small box in her hands. She handed it to me with a sharp glance, I took it slowly.

"Do not come back here again."

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