Chapter 3: justice meeting

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Third P.O.V

Drinking at the high price bar is the best day to get rid of your problem.

Y/n: "you have, I have to deal with Atlanta attitude problems, bail her out and put her in time out, then I was dealing-"

???: "justice league?"

Y/n: "yep but there was woman, wonder woman as human and her team call her. I don't know why but it make me mad all the sudden."

???: "wonder woman, phew she got some fine legs and so thicc." He took a sip of his cocktail.

Y/n: "don't say like that, make me sick to hearing from you."

???: "I know I know, bloody hell can't take a joke? Now, you didn't answer my question of why are you doing here on my earth?"

Y/n: "I can't hang out and drink here?"

???: "maybe if you got the cash and soul."

Y/n: "not in my life, to make worse that I'm hearing voices, not from here."

???: "then you are one crazy person, make sure the batsy don't get you."

Y/n: "whatever, I should head back to my universe, here the cash."

He get up and take out hundred dollars to bar owner to this building and he caught it.

???: "pleasure to meet you, do come again if you want to have "fun" with our lovely ladies."

Y/n: "I'll pass, besides not my business here in this universe especially with the son of devil. Have a good day to you, Mr. Morningstar and congrats having another baby with krypton woman."

He disappeared from son devil view and he smile, taking another sip as supergirl came out from elevator with baby boy.

Kara: "babe, our daughter got into trouble at school doing demonic magic, again."

Y/n Morningstar: he smile "I'm so proud to be father."

Back to y/n universe, he teleport back to his living room and sat on the couch, turn on the t.v and now his face is on the new. So much living in normal person.

Y/n: "and now the police and justice league will be coming at me, so much living in normal person... wait, what am I saying?"

Then t.v just burst into flame for unknown reason.

Y/n: "goodbye rotten t.v, suu, Atlanta you guys home?"

No answer, usually for Atlanta will tell him to shut up the fuck, suu will be drinking soda again and make a mess but it weird but not weird that his little suu usually goes to her big brother to hug him.

He started to freak out, his adorable sisters are missing.

Y/n: "suu! Atlanta! Where are you?! Suu I hope your not hiding under the cabinet! It dusty in there!"

???: "your little friends not here."

The batman came out from the darkness as y/n turn to him.

Y/n: "you, don't you any justice league ever give up on searching for me."

Batman: "you destroy the police and your roommate kill dozen of people."

Y/n: 'damn, I was right from back then.' "She has a temper, I try to give her to control her anger. But if you dare hurt my little sister suu, I'll make sure the only person who been with you all your life, dead."

Batman wasn't faze of his threat but his butler Alfred is somehow his father figure and the only family he has in Bruce wayne mansion.

Batman: "I won't hurt your sister if you do come along."

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