Chapter 9: end of scenario

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I'm angry, I'm piss, enraged. The thought of someone whom I hated the most, I hate my father, I definitely hate my mother.

She left me! She fucking abandoned me! She suppose to be my mother, all mother should've take care of their newborn and what do I get from it? Abandoned.

I always wanted to find her, kill her and pay a visit to her parents and bring ashes to her people's but I given up about thousand of years.

So why now? Why is wonder woman, my mother! Telling me this in all this years!

Fighting against all justice league members, they can call backup or get the green lantern corp to help them, it don't matter, I have kill and consume entities throughout the universe, I have kill the darkest knight that rival to the mother of the multiverse.

Nothing will stand in my way to kill my mother!

I charge at my mother but I was block by flash tornado speed.

Y/n: "get out my way!"

I slam my fist to the ground, causing to shake and make him lose his balance, then I grab flash neck and begin to choke him.

Then the Martian shapeshift his body and wrap around me, he intention to Telepathy my mind, damn fool.


I burst my entire body into flame, the Martian leg go, back away in fear of the flame. Then I turn to him, grabbing hid head then I punch through his chest and create fire inside his body.

Martian(j'onn): "ahhhh!!!"

I kick him far away and scoff

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I kick him far away and scoff.

Y/n: "burn..."

Then I went back to wonder woman but super bitch uppercut my chin, grab my leg and slam me on the ground.

Superman: "that enough! Going after your mother won't change thing."

Y/n: "you don't get to tell me what to do!"

He about to heat vision me, but I grab his face and begin to slammed his body left to right.

And I slowly lift him up, and start to slaps him. Then a grapple hook to my hand and flash speed up, grabbing batman grappling hook and drag me across the city.

Hawkgirl came flying and attack me with her spike hammer, create a explode on me.

Flash: "did we get him?"

Hawkgirl: "I'm not sure."

I swift my hand, blowing off the smoke.

Y/n: "I am not impressed by the work of your team."

Flash: "not even a single scratch on him."

Y/n: "you people are not my business, my only business is my mother. I suggest you stay put."

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