The Not So Great Outdoors: pt. 2

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I stood off by myself, hugging my torso as I watched some people freak out. Others were calmer. Trent comes up to me and I raise a brow. "You alright?" He doesn't face me, we're both watching everybody else. I purse my lips thinking. "We're about to jump off a cliff. How should I be?" I glance up at him and he snickers, nodding. "True, but you're away from the group." He points out, "Very observant.'' I start to go closer to our team. "Your first task is to jump off this 1,000 foot-high cliff into the lake." He simply explains. "Piece of cake." Bridgette smirks. "If you look down you will see two target areas, the wider one represents the part of the lake that we have stocked with psychotic man-eating sharks. Inside that area is the safe zone." I tense up, what the fuck goes on in this man's mind. And who gave the okay for any of this to happen? "That's your target area, which we're pretty sure is shark free." Super comforting to know they're "pretty sure it's shark free."

Something that also doesn't slip past by Leshawna. "Excuse me?" He of course ignores her. "For each member of your team that jumps and actually survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below." We look downward by the shore to see stacked boxes. "Inside each crate are supplies that you'll need for the second part of the challenge... Building a hot tub. The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot-tub party tonight." He points to the camera and I yawn, not out of boredom but impatience.

"The losers will be sending someone home." I scan around everyone, taking guesses on who that first person could be. "Let's see, Killer bass, you're up first." Bridgette was already by the cliff.

"Oh wow. So who wants to go first?" Silence and crickets on the other end. Honestly I'd just get it over with. I'm surprised Eva's not going.

"Hey don't sweat it guys. I heard that these shows always make interns do the stunt first to make sure it's survivable." Owen encourages and assures us. "So, who's up?" Eva shouts to her team. "Ladies first." Duncan inquires. "Shouldn't he be going then." I mutter and Gwen shakes her head, snickering. "Fine, I'll go." Bridgette takes the stand. "It's no big deal, just an insane cliff dive into a circle of angry sharks." And she jumps, making the circle.

"She did it! Yeah! I'm next!" Tyler declares, he runs back and then off of the cliff. "Cowabunga!!" Not the same soft landing, hitting the metal booy between the safe and shark zones.

Geoff, Eva, Duncan all jump next but DJ refuses. "Nuh-uh, no way man. I'm not jumping." He steps back. "Scared of heights?" Chris asks, not honestly caring though. "Yeah, ever since I was a kid." DJ admits. "That's okay, big guy. Unfortunately, that also makes you a chicken. So you'll have to wear this for the rest of the day." He places down a chicken hat onto the kids head. "Aw man, for real?"

"Bawk, bawk, bawk!" Chris mocks him.

"That means the chicken path is that-a-way." He points, DJ sadly takes the escalator down the hill.

"Next!" Ezekiel jumps, hitting a part of the cliff going down but he makes the circle, his teammates cheer. Harold goes after, doing the splits in the air, hitting the water like that too and all the guys can physically feel his pain. "Oh, hate to see that happen."

"Excuse me, Chris. I have a medical condition." Courtney crosses her arms. "What condition?"

"A condition that prevents me from jumping off cliffs." She tells him in a smart tone. "You can chicken out if you want, but it might end up costing your team the win. And then they'll hate you." He remarks.

"It's a calculated risk. I've seen the other team and I don't think nine of them will jump." She postulates, seemingly confident in her thinking. "All Right! Here is your chicken hat." He places the hat.

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