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Heith had lived in Maryland his whole life. But unlike KeKe, he knew absolutely nothing about Maryland.

Heith was the tallest in his family at 184cm. Heith had a little secret. He knew how to be tall. When Keith was 15 he had read many articles, books, magazines, watched videos, and had talked to many doctors about height. Why was he so worried? Because both of Keith's parents were short! His dad was 165cm and his mom was 155cm. At 15 Keith had outgrown his father but he was at 167cm. After all his research Keith put together a list on how to be tall.

1. Exercise and stretch
2. Eat healthy
3. Get 10 hours of sleep
4. Drink milk
5. Don't be overweight
6. No stress

The hardest thing to do was probably lose the 5kgs that Heith was overweight by but he did. In 2 years he has grown 17cm to 184cm! Heith was still trying to grow but school became harder and harder. More homework, more tests to study too, more drama, everything was blocking his way to being taller. Oh wait, we should talk about his looks. Heith had thin eyes even though he was fully white. His hair was brown and he was skinny because of how much he grew and his healthy diet.

"Are you alive?" Thorn (Thantorn's nickname) was looking at him. Heith snapped back into reality and said, "Yeah. Just thinking about some things." Heith pulled his brown hair away from his eyes. The 2 of them were sitting at the front of the bus. Heith looked back at his classmates. By which he meant he went back to look at Mary-Anne. Thorn playfully hit Heith on the head. "You pervert." Heith knew what he meant. Mary-Anne was popular because, well. She was blessed by the gods to have big lips and... melons. "I like her personality too," Heith uttered to try to make himself not sound like a douce. Thorn leaned in, "All she talks about is shopping and make up. Listen to her now." Heith turned around and listened for Mary-Anne's voice. He heard and she was saying... "I should really repaint my nails." Thorn was looking at Heith with a 'I told you so' face. Heith sighed, "You know I'm not the only guy going after her." Thorn nodded, "But you are exactly the same as the other guys. You're only looking at her body." Heith slumped on the seat. "If she has no personality what am I supposed to be attracted to?" "Maybe if you talked to her she might have a personality." Heith looked at Thorn. "Steve would kill me." Steve was Mary-Anne's, companion? He was always next to her but they never talked to each other. Heith looked at Steve then at Thorn. "When you talk to him what did he say?" Thorn looked at the ceiling. "He usually says stuff like, ummm, 'Mary-Anne is-." A hand landed on Heith's shoulder.

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