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Roxanne had roots from Louisiana. But she lived in Maryland. Oh boy...

Roxanne was very short, that's her defining trait. She tried to pull attention from her height by dying her very short hair platinum blond. Since she was black the blonde would contrast. Nope. Still everyone she knew or didn't know only talked about her height. Roxanne thought that maybe after puberty, she'd by known for her beauty. Nope! Roxanne tried to always be kind with people. Actually she has to be kind of her parents would kill her.

Roxanne had to sit next to Ben unfortunately. Ben was nice but, but, but he's so big. Of course Roxanne didn't say this out loud. "Hey," Ben said with his surprisingly deep voice. Roxane looked up from her hands, "Oh, um, hey Ben." Ben pulled a chocolate bar out of his backpack and asked her, "Want one?" Roxane's face probably lit up at that moment. Her parents said she was short because she ate too much candy so she wasn't allowed to eat candy. Roxanne shook her head and took the chocolate bar. "Thank you, so much," she said the last part kind of awkwardly. Ben looked at her. Roxanne had to explain herself, so she did with, "Umm, my parents don't let me eat candy." Ben took out another bar as he said, "That's cruel. My parents let me eat whenever I want. Probably why I'm like this..." Ben bit the chocolate bar. 'Maybe Ben isn't that bad," Roxanne thought. Roxanne bit into the chocolate bar, it was delicious! "Where did you get this? It's the best candy I've ever eaten!" Roxanne realised how loud she had said that and covered her mouth. "They're from the candy store in the grocery store. Every time I go they give me weird looks but if you go they might think you're a ch-." Ben's eyes widened but his mouth stayed open. Roxanne waved her hands, "It's okay, I've grown used to it." "That's kinda sad," Ben said as he grabbed a chocolate bar. "That's kind if-," Roxanne stopped herself from saying it. "It's okay, I've grown used to it," Ben said.

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