Do I have something to worry about? (Katie McCabe x Reader)

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Warning(s): Vulgar-ish language. Fighting (verbal, not physical).

You and Katie McCabe had been going out for a little over 6 months and you had to say everything in your life has been better since. You were able to enjoy life more, you were able to come home to a gorgeous woman (on the off nights she used her spare key to surprise you after you had been to practice.)

That was the only flaw in your relationship, the fact you played for Chelsea and the fact she played for Arsenal. It sometimes put a strain on your relationship, as you both mostly had practice at completely different times, but you worked through it.

One night though, you came home to an irritated looking Katie sitting on your couch, clad in her Arsenal training gear still. You had just gotten back from a match against Manchester City.

"Hey, love. You okay?" You asked softly, setting your things down and sitting next to the slightly older Irish woman.

"Do I have something to worry about?" She asked suddenly, facing you. Her brighter eyes filled with jealously but also an underlying worry.

"Love, what?" You asked her, confused. She gestured to your shirt, it was Lauren Hemp's. Oh, you thought, is she jealous of Hempo? You wondered, and the thought nearly made you giggle.

"So? She's my national teammate, Katie." She scoffed.

"It's not just fucking that!" She snapped, taking you by surprise, "It's the way she looked at you! The way she had her eyes all over your body! The way that she stared at your abs when you took your shirt off to give to her! The way she couldn't keep her hands of you!" She rants, you smirk, standing and slipping your jacket off you, then pulling the shirt over your head.

"What are you doing, Y/N?" She asked, exasperated and confused, but not exactly complaining at the view she was now being given.

You grab an Arsenal shirt out your bag, one with McCabe on the back. It was the shirt she scored a hattrick in. You always kept it with you as a goodluck charm.

"Oh, so that's where that went then." She said, smirking slightly.

"Katie, you have nothing to worry about. I only have eyes for you, Hempo's just a friend." Katie's eyes softened as she sighed and brought you into a hug.

"Good. Now never wear a City shirt around me ever again I might have a stroke."

You chuckled, feeling her grin against your neck where she had nuzzled her head into.

"I love you, you crazy Irish woman."

"I love you too, Brit."

You rolled your eyes, "I hate you."

"No you don't." She mumbles and you chuckle.

"No, I don't." You agree.

Hello! Thank you for the request! I hope you all enjoy, and sorry this is so short I'm just very tired at the moment both mentally and physically. This is an old draft I've been meaning to get out for a while, so apologies for that. I hope you're all well and you're having a nice day!



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