That gold mine changed you. (Ella Toone x Reader)

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"What is your fucking problem, Y/N?!" Ella screamed at you. Tears streaming down her face as her lip quivered. You had just gotten into another one of your petty little fights.

It had been happening a lot lately, but who could blame either of you? You were both stressed, playing for rival teams while also balancing social media and being in the public eye.

You were overstimulated, so was Ella. You forgot that sometimes, though.

And she had dropped a glass.

Your favourite glass.

You heard it shatter on the hard ground of your shared kitchen, hearing Ella's soft curses as she picked it up. She called you in, and off you went. Your eyes landed immediately on her slightly smaller frame hunched over with the dustpan and brush desperately scraping it up. She was trying her best.

I don't think I love you anymore

But you couldn't see that. You lost your temper, and that brought you to now.

"What's my problem? What's my fucking problem? Fucks sakes Ella you are so incompetent! You just can't do anything right can you?" You yelled, tears streaming down your own face as you had now taken over picking up the shattered cup. The smaller bits of glass sticking into your fingers.

That gold mine changed you.

Ella didn't reply. She said nothing. Silence.

A sound so deafening, yet now so common in your once warm home.

An uneasy sound. An unwelcome and unexpected sound which the both of you hated, but couldn't prevent.

"Ella," you sighed, wiping a hand over your face as you stood, turning around to see her staring vacantly at you while the tears still fell.

"I was tryna do somethin' nice, ya know?" she whispered, her accent coming in thick. You looked to the counter. She had been making you a hot chocolate and an omelette, despite not being able to cook for the life of her.

You don't have to hold me anymore.

She was trying her best. She was trying.

And so were you, but you both forgot that sometimes.

"Ella, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean that-"

"Ya wouldn't have said it if you didn't mean it!" She snapped, her brows knitting together, "Do ya have any idea how hard I work to adjust my schedule to match yours?! To make sure that the bed is made for you when you come home from late training? To make sure you have food on the table for ya? Do ya?" she asked shakily.

Your head hung in shame, as your fists clenched and you took a deep breath, meeting her blue eyes.

Our cave's collapsing.

"Ella, I'm sorry. You're trying, you're trying so hard and I'm not realising it and I'm so sorry baby, please." You begged, pleading with your eyes for her to just hold you.

Instead she shook her head, pulling a hoody over her head and putting her earphones in, grabbing her keys.

I don't wanna be me, anymore.

"I'm going for a walk." She yelled as she exited.

You turned into a ball of strangled, body-wracking sobs against the front door after that. Not being able to find the strength in your body to move.

But who can blame either of you, right?

You were just two humans trying your best, like you're supposed to.


Hello! Hope you're enjoying the angst lmao. just wanted to say i'm getting through my requests slowly but surely and also be prepared for quite a few updates tonight and also fics inspired by songs because i'm a sucker for angst and sad songs make for amazing inspiration!

hope you're all having a fantastic day, night or afternoon wherever you are and staying hydrated.

lots of love,

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