Is there something youre not telling me? (Jule Brand x Reader)

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You had a secret. A really really big secret. Well, not 'I'm secretly a killer' type big, but still pretty big.

You were diagnosed with liver cancer, you could definitely recover from it, but not before giving up football for God knows how long, but funnily enough that wasn't the thing you were most scared about. You were most scared about telling your partner, Jule Brand.

Jule had been your rock, your person, your world for a few years now, and you could only feel your relationship getting stronger. And you had one major rule in your relationship, no lies.

That put you in a tricky situation, considering you had been hiding your diagnosis for a few months now, it had been going well, sort of anyways.

You were lucky the season was finally over, as the fatigue and stress from your diagnosis was making you feel sicker by the day. And the doctors had pressured you to tell any family and friends as your condition was likely to get worse before it got better. When asked what treatment you wanted, you chose radiotherapy.

You figured it'd be easier, less time consuming and expensive. And you were right about 2 out of 3 of those things. It was definitely less time consuming and expensive, but it was definitely not easier. While you thought it'd be better considering there were barely any physical effects that took place during it, the mental and emotional changes were immense, you were fatigued and felt ill all the time, it was hell.

That's why when you were hanging out with Jule and had to go to a doctors appointment suddenly you were shocked when she made a comment, her voice plain and low, "Not surprised." It took you by surprise but quickly, you recovered, clearing your throat.

"I'm sorry, babe. I have to go." You explained, gathering your things. This was the third time this week.

"Yeah, whatever, okay." Jule replied, her voice apathetic and her eyes fixated on the TV.

"Jule?" You asked, sitting down and putting a hand on her thigh, but rather than relax into your touch as usual, she moved her leg further away. You reluctantly took your hand away, feeling slightly hurt. "Jule. Look at me."

"Is there something you're not telling me?" She says, the words are sudden and sharp, and they felt like a punch to the gut.

"What?..." You said, your voice trailing off, your eyes watering slightly as she looks at you, her lip quivering.

"There's someone else, isn't there? That's why you keep rushing off!" She accused, you felt your heart shatter with each sharp word she spoke. You shook your head and looked down, inhaling shakily, the tears were falling freely now.

"I- Jule, no. I would never do that to you." You felt fatigue coming on, and your eyelids grow heavy but you were determined not to let her see through you. But she still did. Of course she did, she knew you better than she knew herself, just like you knew her better than you knew yourself.

"Love?" She asked, her voice much softer that time around, "Are you... Are you okay?" She said, sitting and putting her hand in yours, that's when you finally look up at her and swallow thickly, shaking your head.

"No. Jule... I've been hiding something. From you. But! It- It's not what you think!" You urgently explain, her brows furrow and you feel your heart shatter more. She gave your hand a gentle squeeze, urging you to go on.

You take a deep breath, this was it. You had to tell her. The words you dreaded saying the most over the past weeks spilled out of your mouth, "I have stage 3 liver cancer. I didn't want to tell you because I love you and I know this could put some strain on this... on us. And I love you so much and I just couldn't bring myself to tell you-"

You were cut off by the taller woman wiping your tears away with her thumb and kissing you softly. "Idiot," She chuckles sadly, "why wouldn't you just tell me?"

"I was scared." You reply honestly, although your voice quivers.

"I'm sorry I didn't realise you were hurting." She mutters, you shake your head and wipe your tears, pulling back, much to your girlfriends confusion.

"I- I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore, Jule. Just... say the words and I'll leave." She looks at you, hurt and angry all at once,

"Y/N, do you really think I'm that- that shallow?" She asks incredulously, shaking her head and pulling you closer again.

"Well, no, but I just-" You began.

"Shut up, Y/N. Let me speak," her voice was soft and firm all at once, "I love you. No matter what you're going through I will be right here by your side. All the way through. Me and you are going to beat this, together." She insisted firmly, planting a soft kiss to your forehead.

You throw your arms around her shoulders, "I love you." You mumble into her neck.

"I love you too, Y/N." She says, rising from her seat and getting her keys and wallet. You give her a questioning look, "I'm assuming you have an appointment?" You smile softly and nod, grabbing her hand and walking to her car with her.

You were going to beat this, and you were going to be okay. You had Jule with you.

And just like she promised, you were okay. And she was with you the whole damn way. God, you loved that woman.


Hello! I hope the person who suggested this and anyone else who read it enjoyed it! I tried to make this as accurate as possible, with both genuine symptoms of someone I know whom I consulted for this one shot, as well as Google! I hope anyone who is suffering with cancer knows that they are not alone and that I am here to talk and support you no matter what, as well as a myriad of other people who are there for you. You will beat it, and you will be okay.

-author <3 :)

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