We meet again. (Deyna Castellanos x Reader)

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You and Deyna had always played against each other, wether it was coincidence or fate, you didn't know. You hoped fate was the reason, to be honest. You hoped with fibre of your being fate was the reason you were always brought so unnecessarily close to each other.

And you hoped fate was on your side, because if you were being honest, you really really liked Deyna Castellanos.

You just didn't know if she liked you back.

So when she asked you to swap shirts after a Manchester derby, you were shocked. You didn't think she even knew who you were, to be honest, but now she was here in front of you. With her shirt off. With said shirt in her hand. Offering it to you in exchange for your own.

You stammered for a response for a few seconds before blushing bright red, trying to not let your eyes wander down her body. She grinned, "Awesome," she said plainly, "you're a difficult player to play against, you know?"

You chuckled, trying to play it cool, taking your shirt off. You only replied once you had tugged your own shirt over your head and passed it to her, "Oh yeah? And why's that?" you asked cheekily.

"Because it's hard to keep my eyes off you."

Your mind went blank, your face flushed and your mouth went drier than the Sahara desert.

What could she of meant by that? You wonder. And instead of wondering, you decide to ask, "Oh? How come?"

She raised her eye brows and looked at you, eyes wide in surprise, she looked you over from head to toe, her pearly grin still planted firmly on her perfectly perfect face.

"Have you seen you?" She asked with a raised eyebrow and disbelieving smirk. Your face went bright red as you tugged her shirt on, grateful the powder blue garment was covering your face momentarily while you were gaining composure.

"Whats so special about me, Castellanos?" You asked with a grin, walking down the tunnel which led to the United locker room with her. Everyone else was still out on the pitch.

"Well let's see, for starters, that grin of yours is stupidly adorable," you felt yourself flush, you saw her grin, so you smiled too, "your eyes are... they just have this... this spark in them. And also you are ridiculously good looking."

Before you knew it Deyna had edged closer to you, your slight height difference making it easier for her to lean over you. Her hands found your hips and your arms found their way onto her shoulders as you stood on your tip toes.

"Could say the same about you." You mumbled.

She chuckled and that was all it took, the feeling you had been longing to feel for months now, the feeling of her soft lips on your own. The taste of her chapstick, the taste of.. well, her.

Neither of you parted, clinging to each other as though your lives depended on it, and when you did finally detach from eachother, it was because your team were coming down the hall towards you both.

"Hey," she said before you left, you nodded, hoisting your bag over your shoulder, "do you maybe wanna grab some food sometime.. Y'know, if you're not busy."

She stuttered slightly. It was very fucking cute.

"Yes, Deyna, I'd love too."

She grinned triumphantly, "Okay. Text me with a date and time, I'll sort the address and the rest," she winked"See ya later, Y/L/N."

You turned to reply, but she was already gone, but you spoke out loud to no one in particular anyways, "Catch you later, Deyna."


Hello! Hope you enjoyed. I just want to apologise for any delays with your requests, I'm just swamped and dealing with a lack of motivation at the minute. But! You will all have your requests done by the end of this week (hopefully). Hope you're all having a good day or night or afternoon, and staying hydrated of course.

With love from yours truly,
Author :)

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