i never want to argue again. (Emily Fox x Reader)

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You and your wife had an argument the day before your teams played against eachother. Emily's team being North Carolina Courage and yours being Washington spirit, it was going to be tricky, especially since this was a big game.

As you arrive at the stadium you can't even remember what the argument was about, some petty fight about something not being done around the house, you weren't sure. You just knew you felt bad.


Both you and your wife walked out onto the pitch, preparing for the match. Not looking at each other. Not speaking to each other.

You felt the panicked thoughts you had pushed down resurface in your mind, forming a lump in your throat that you desperately tried to push down. What if I messed it up? You think. You think a lot of things between then and the match starting, but as you go to the centre of the pitch, ready to kick off, all thoughts get pushed out of your mind.

The only thought left being, 'win.'


As you played you were virtually unstoppable, making great tackles and interceptions left right and center. Eventually Emily just became another player on the pitch. A nobody. You were focused not on your argument, but on the match. Something you had learned to do a long time ago, leave everything that belongs off the pitch, off the pitch.

You weren't happy you had to play against your wife while you were both in such foul moods with each other, but like any decent footballer, you sucked it up and carried on. Looking forward, not back.

That whole mindset had been going well, until you encountered your wife on the pitch. She, being the brilliant defender she was, kept on you. Deflecting every offensive move you made.

To say you started to get pissed was an understatement.

You knew she was being extra rough to let you know she was still pissed off, and that pissed you off even more.


After a while of Emily being on your ass for a solid quarter of the game, you got tired of it. Due to your mindset of 'nothing else mattered while on the pitch', you lashed out. Delivering a rough elbow to Emily's side. Causing her to go down. You didn't look back, not until the referee blew her whistle and Emily came storming up to you, shoving you back.

"What the fuck was that about, Y/N?!" She asked, tears in her eyes and her brows furrowed. You felt your heart break as you saw her glistening eyes.

"Love, I-" As you tried to speak you were swiftly cut off by the ref showing you a red, which you got distracted by, going to argue with her. When you turned around to look at Emily you saw she had already walked away due to your answer, or rather lack of one..


When you got back to the changing rooms you slammed your fist against your locker, a tear which you tried desperately to contain slipping down your cheek. All you felt was white hot rage. Not at the ref, not at the fact you were sent off, certainly not at Emily, but rather yourself.

You were angry with yourself.

That's when you decided to do something. You swiftly got changed, looking at your watch. 32 minutes until games end. You could do this.


As you stood outside of the stadium, right by the side of Emily's car with a bouquet of her favourite flowers in one hand and a packet of her favourite sweets in the other, your hands shook and your lip quivered slightly as she walked out.

She saw you standing there and furrowed her brows, clearly not expecting you to be there. She excused herself from her teammates, all of which looking at you with either irritation, anger or annoyance. Which of course was understandable, considering you had just nearly broken one of their teammate's ribs.

"What are you doing here, Y/N? I thought you'd be at home." She asked, her tone quiet and annoyed, although you didn't miss the way her eyes softened at the sight of the lillys in your hand and the twizzlers in the other.

"I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I should've done what you asked me to do before you got home, not after. You were busy, so you asked me to do it. And I didn't. I'm sorry, Em. I love you, really, I do and," you took a minute to breathe, sighing as you wiped your eyes with the backs of your hands, "and I'm sorry. I know they're just words in my mouth and actions speak louder than words, so that's why I want to take you on a date."

Emily smiled softly, grinning and throwing her arms around  your neck, which you gladly reciprocated. Breathing in the smell of her perfume, closing your eyes and bringing her as close to you as possible.

"You truly are something, Y/N Fox."

"As are you, Emily Fox."


Hello! I hope you all enjoyed this! And also thank you for sending the request in! Also I have no idea what Emily Fox's favourite sweets or flowers is so I guessed the most generic american things ever lol, no offence to my americans. Love you guys.

Hope you enjoyed, and votes and comments are appreciated! Gracias.

-Author. :)

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