"Ay dios mio." (Alexia Putellas x Reader)

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You and Alexia had been rivals for as long as you could remember. She was snarky, often making snide remarks on the pitch, she was mean and often times her comments actually hurt your feelings. Though you'd never admit to that.

She pissed you off. Everything about her pissed you off. Her perfect eyes, her stupidly perfect face, her nice body, her ridiculously kind personality off the pitch, the way she'd stop and take pictures with fans even when she was in the biggest rush of her life. You hated just how perfect she was, how drop dead fucking gorgeous she was to you.

God, you had it bad for Alexia Putellas.


When the World Cup rolled around, you were ecstatic to have received a call up. And you had gladly accepted.

You felt like you were floating on air as you arrived in Australia. Then you found out you were doomed to share a room with her. Of all the people on the Spanish national team, it just had to be her, didn't it?

Your face scrunched in annoyance at the sight of your name next to Alexia's on the piece of paper the coach had given you. Why her of all people?

Alexia must have been thinking the same, as you saw her face scrunch in disgust, mumbling "Ay dios mio." Under her breath, in that stupidly perfect voice of her's. God you hated her. Well, not exactly her, but rather how much you liked her.

God, you really, really liked her.


Upon arriving at the room, Alexia having gone shortly before you, you saw Alexia outside. She appeared to be struggling with the keycard.

"Joder." She mumbled.

"Need some help, la reina?" You said sarcastically.


Alexia's pov.

"Need some help, la reina?" Y/N said. You froze upon hearing the voice, grumbling before wordlessly passing the keycard to her and rolling your eyes.

God you hated how perfect she looked with that cocky grin on her face. The one she got whenever she sunk a goal into the back of Barca's net when she played against them.

"What's the matter, Putellas? Cat got your tongue, eh?" She teased. God you hated her. And how good she always managed to look, even jet lagged and tired. And how her teeth are so pearly white it's enough to make you swoon and how her stupidly bright eyes are so kind and- Oh.

This wasn't hate. This was a crush.

You grimaced, turning your head to the side and walking inside, hearing her grumble, "Supongo que sí." (I guess so) and walking in behind you.



What happened with Alexia outside threw you off, usually she would make a comment back, take the mick a little bit. But she hadn't. She sounded almost disappointed? But for what?

You decided to push it into the back of your mind, ignoring everything about 'La Reina' . God, you hated her. No you don't, you remind yourself, cringing when you realise that what you thought was hate that you had for Alexia could very well be... a crush.

Dios mio, you thought as you placed your bags down on the bed. Sighing heavily you wiped your forehead for sweat, grimacing when you realised you had been sweating since before you had even landed. You needed a shower.

As you turned to go to the shower, you see Alexia. In only her Barcelona training shorts and a sports bra. You couldn't stop your eyes wandering down to her impeccable abs.

She quirked an eyebrow, smirking smugly. "My eyes are up here, amiga." She said smugly, taking a step toward you as your eyes snapped up to hers.

"Hm. And what nice eyes they are." You muttered, trying to not let her hear, knowing she'd hang it over your head for months to come.

"Oh so my eyes are nice?" She chuckled, taking another step. Your eyes travelled back down to her abs.

"Maybe." You hummed, eyes meeting hers again as she lifts your chin with her index finger. She smirked.

"Is that a maybe?" She said, her eyes flicking down to your lips as she licks her own slightly. "Or is it a yes?" She stared into your eyes softly.  She smelled like her perfume. Her stupidly nice smelling perfume. And her breath smelled like mint, it was like a breath of chilled air when you felt her breath against your face.

"And what if it was a yes, La Reina?" You decided to bite, playing into Alexia's little teasing game. You smirked slightly, quirking an eyebrow.

"Then I might kiss you."

That was all it took before your lips were on hers, shoving your bags off your bed before straddling her hips and deepening the kiss, which she was more than happy to reciprocate, gripping your hips.

"Maybe I don't hate you." She breathed out as you part.

"Maybe I don't hate you either, Reina." You chuckled, making her smile.

"Shut up and kiss me."



Hello! I just wanted to say the usual, thank you for the request and I hope you're all doing well and having nice days! Or nights, or afternoons. I hope the requester enjoyed this. I'm sorry it isn't as long as I wanted it to be, I've just had a lack of motivation recently! Also I have a surprise announcement. I may or may not be working on a book. A woso one of course. ;)

yours truly,
Author :)

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