"Why wont you just tell me whats going on?" (Jule Brand x Reader)

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You and Jule Brand had been together for the better part of 2 years now and if you were being honest everything in your life was brighter now.

You found yourself appreciating everything more, nature, your family, your friends.

You found yourself to be less pessimistic, more focused on the pitch. And in general, happier. She made you happier, she took every dark spot of hurt and anger in your life and covered it with the light that was herself. Every inkling of upset or doubt immediately squashed by her firm words of affirmation. She was everything you could ever ask for and more.

So when she started pulling away, it tore you in half, it shredded your heart. you found your bed cold most nights. Venturing downstairs to find the love of your life curled up on the couch, clearly uncomfortable but even more clearly uncomfortable staying in bed with you. You found her staying out for longer, staying at training more, making more and more excuses to get away from you.

At first you were hurt, confused, upset; now, however, you were just angry. Completely and utterly angry.

So, you did what was only natural, you found comfort in the arms of your best friend. You found yourself sobbing in her arms after Jule ignored you. You had hung out with her a lot even before Jules had started to distance herself, but now it was an everyday occurrence that Jule would come home and Lena Oberdorf would be there, sitting on the couch with you while you ranted about your issues.

Jule would often just scowl and head upstairs. Ignoring you completely.

One day, you had had enough. You knew she was coming back from training that day, and as you were injured and out for a week you would still be at home, it was the perfect opportunity to confront her.

When she stepped through the door you couldn't stop yourself from taking her in, ultimately she was still your girlfriend who you loved very dearly, and you found her attractive.

Her training had left her breathless, the veins in her biceps prominent, her brown hair slightly tousled. She was perfect, in your eyes anyway.

"Jule-" You began, but she cut you off.
"What? No Lena today? what a shocker." The question and the statement that followed took you by surprise.
"Jule, what? Why won't you just tell me what's going on? Like an adult?" you asked, picking up on what she was implying. It offended you.
"Well what do you expect, Y/N!? You spend so much more time with her than you do me! Everyone online thinks you and her are together and that me and you broke up!" She was angry, you could see it in her eyes, but more than anything you knew she was feeling insecure.

You took a deep breath, "Jule Brand, do not be fucking ridiculous. I love you wholeheartedly and I think I will for the rest of my life. I am not with Lena, nor will I ever be. You are my person. My home. And I am so incredibly upset that you would ever think anything could be different." You had tears in your eyes. You were hurt, angry, offended. So incredibly mad she hadn't brought up her concerns before. You thought she trusted you.

"I- I'm sorry. I was just jealous. But she's your best friend! I didn't want you to distance yourself from her.." She said, looking down at the floor instead of meeting your irritated gaze.
"So you decided it'd be better to distance yourself from me?!" You snapped. Jule flinched. You immediately felt bad, "Jule, listen to me, I love you. I love your stupid grin everytime you score, I love your eyes and your nose. I love every part of you, and for you to think I could feel that way about anyone but you?" I said, "It hurts."

She hugged you suddenly, it was tight and warm, it was the Jule you remembered; the Jule you fell in love with.

"I'm sorry."

"So am I."

That night, you were wrapped in her arms, and you couldn't stop smiling. Out of both happiness and relief. You had your girl back, and to say you were happy was an understatement.

That night, you posted an old picture of you and Jule on the beach at sunset. It was taken by an old teammate, and it was an old photo. But it brought you joy. It reminded you of how far you and Jule had come.

You had your girl back; and that's all that mattered.


Hello! Thank you all for reading! I want to apologise for the lack of updates, it's my bad. I've just had zero motivation recently and my abuelos death has hit me pretty hard. But! Updates will hopefully be more regular from now on. I hope the requester enjoyed, as well as everyone else. Also! English is not my native language so feel free to correct my grammar or spelling. :)

Have a good day/night or afternoon and stay hydrated!

yours truly,
author :)

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