Chapter 2

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The first time Phayu sees the boy he and Pai are doing collection runs in the neighborhood. Phayu senses someone staring at him. He looks up and his eyes meet those of one of the most beautiful omegas he has seen in his life. The boy is lithe with soft blond hair, luminescent skin and red lips that seem to hold a natural pout. Phayu guesses he is a year or two younger than him, probably still in highschool.

The boy drops his gaze, seemingly embarrassed to be caught staring.

"Pai, who is that with Sky?" Phayu asks his friend.

Pai looks up interested when he hears Sky's name. Phayu knows that Pai thinks Sky is cute but the cold boy refuses to have anything to do with him.

"Not sure," Pai says, "Two new omegas were moving into the neighborhood this week, renting one of P'Pakin's houses. A woman named Pear and her son Rain. That could be Rain." P'Pakin rents houses out at below cost to anyone he deems could use a helping hand. A single mother and her son would be just the type of people he likes to rent too.

Rain. Phayu turns the name over in his mind and decides that yes that suits the boy.

After that Phayu finds himself seeking out Rain whenever he is in the neighborhood. Sometimes he sees him with Sky at some of the shops or by himself sitting in front of his house reading or playing on his phone.

Phayu really wants to talk to the cute boy but his world isn't for someone innocent like Rain. Sky is right to avoid them.

Phayu had grown up in this world, his father had been a mechanic and errand runner from before Phayu and his brother Saifah had been born. Some of Phayu’s earliest memories are him and Saifah going with his father to collect fees from the shop owners and getting ice cream afterwards.

Phayu’s dad had been almost fifty when he had married their mom, and it had been five years before Phayu and Saifah had been born. By the time he and Saifah are teenagers they have pretty much taken over for their father. Saifah preferred staying in the garage, but Phayu, while he enjoyed working on engines, also didn't mind going out on collection runs.

That is how he and Prapai had become friends as well. They are the same age and often are paired up to run errands for P'Pakin. Pai is the oldest son of one of the minor families and his father sent him out to learn the ropes.

Pai is a good natured and kind hearted person, but also an irredeemable playboy. Phayu has never seen him with the same person twice. Alpha, beta or omega Pai seems to not have any preferences.

Phayu on the other hand had very few relationships. He was picky as Saifah put it. The few people he had liked had ended up being overwhelmed by Phayu’s personality, running the first chance they had gotten. Phayu has decided he is just not good relationship material, sticking with a few hookups and one night stands when he needs to relieve the tension.

When time had come for Phayu to enter the university he didn't want the easy path of taking engineering. That was fine for Saifah who had already pretty much taken over the family garage. Phayu on the other hand craved a challenge. That was when he remembered the way his mom used to tease his dad about being able to refurbish a bike but not his own home. Phayu decides he wants to be able to do both. He knows it won't be easy, especially with the extra work he does for P'Pakin, but he is determined to try.

It's not easy, it's also exhausting, but Phayu finds out he loves it and isn't able to give any of it up. Now he is in his second year and he feels that there is only one thing missing.

His eyes find Rain who is sitting with Sky in his front yard both reading Manga and trading books back and forth as they finish. "Enough, Phayu," he tells himself. He follows Pai into the convenience store.

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