Chapter 2 (Kirstie)

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A/N: Image shows the necklace Jeremy gave Kirstie that she wears all the time in real life. Isn't she the most gorgeous human being alive?


     She gasped when she felt the cold metal against her neck. She opened her eyes slowly when she felt Jeremy place something in her hand.

"Take a look honey," he said with that drop dead gorgeous smile of his.

     Kirstie brought the mirror that was placed in her hand up and looked at her reflection. She gasped again when her eyes focused on the beautiful necklace Jeremy gave her. It was a pearl pendant on a light gold chain and it was the most dazzling thing she had ever seen. "Oh my god, Jeremy! I love it! Thank you so much!" She put the mirror down on the nearest surface and pulled him into a tight hug.

Jeremy laughed lightly and rubbed his hand on her back. "I'm glad you like it babe. Happy Valentine's Day. But...  that's only part one of three."

    Kirstie pulled back and looked at him with confusion and disbelief on her face. "Of three?"

"Mmhm. Now for part two, I would like you to dress in your best outfit tonight, because we are going on a date. We'll go watch a movie, and then have a romantic dinner out. I may or may not have reserved us a private, candlelight dinner at Osteria La Buca," he said with a cheeky smile.

    Her jaw dropped. "Jeremy, you didn't!" Jeremy knew Kirstie loved Italian food, and Osteria La Buca was one of the best Italian restaurants in Los Angeles. It also happened to be one of her favorite places to eat. The food there was exquisite, but they rarely went there because it wasn't the cheapest of places to dine at often. "Jeremy! You're amazing!" She tried to lean forward and kiss him but he stopped her by holding her shoulders back.

"Oh I'm not done yet honey! There's still part three."

    Kirstie blinked up at him in bewilderment. "I thought the movie and dinner date was part two and three?"

"Nope. For part three, we have to go outside. Right now. Come on."

He waited for Kirstie to get dressed as she insisted to change into something more appropriate to wear outside, especially on a day where the streets will be overflowing with people. Soon they were out the door and walking down the streets of LA, admiring the Valentine's Day atmosphere.

     Just as Kirstie opened her mouth to ask where they were headed to, Jeremy abruptly stopped in front of one of the shops. She turned around and froze when she saw the tons of pet products behind the see through walls of the shop. She wasn't given a chance to react as Jeremy pulled her into the pet shop and up to the counter. "Hi Jeremy!" The girl at the counter greeted them momentarily before turning back to stacking some boxes beside the counter.

"Hey Jennifer!" The young lady looked up again and smiled at them. Kirstie recognized her as Jeremy's old high school friend. She had seen pictures of the girl before. "Can we see him?"

"Sure thing! You must be Kirstin," she shook Kirstie's hand. "Jeremy has told me quite a lot about you. Come on. He's in the back." She guided them to the back of the shop where they had a mini shelter for rescued animals. They walked past a few of the glass animal displays. There were cats on the left and dogs on the right.

     Kirstie could feel her heart racing as she took in the cuteness of the dogs she passed. But nothing could compare to the overwhelming joy she felt when she laid her eyes on the black and white husky in the last display. The giant dog was lying on its side in the corner and breathing gently, seemingly asleep. And in the other corner was the most precious thing Kirstie had ever laid her eyes on, that caused her jaw to drop when she spotted it.

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