Chapter 8 (Avi)

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A/N: Hey, I'm not dead! I finally found the time to update again, now that my exams are over. But sadly, I'll have to disappear again in a couple of weeks cuz I'll have more exams starting again soon (the life of an Asian student :( ). And maybe, just maybe, I won't be on here again till the end of the year. Hence, I have made it my mission to try and get this story done before the next exams, so look forward for random updates at random times. :)

P.S. In the time that I have been MIA, I decided to dive into the world of Tumblr and got addicted, so I would love it if you guys followed me over there. I have already found a few of my readers from here and made some new friends and I love it! I really want to get to know more of you guys. I have two blogs; one dedicated to PTX (ptxlover29) and one for more personal stuff (roxieroberts), so be sure to follow me on both. And come talk to me! I need more friends! T_T


Anyway, lets get back to the story...


"Has he been taking his medication properly?" Esther inquired, her voice floating through the thin walls of the apartment.

"I can't even get him to eat a proper meal!" Kevin said softly, but with a hint of frustration. "I have to force him to do any physical activity at all. He just sits in his room for hours, and he barely responds when I try to have a conversation."

"And his job?"

"He quit last week. Apparently he was gonna do it for Sarah anyway, but he doesn't seem to be trying to get another job. I'm sorry Esther, I'm trying my best."

"No, it's not your fault at all Kevin. He's just being a stubborn mule." Avi heard his sister sigh and the sound of feet shuffling as she paced around in the next room. "I don't care if he's depressed, we have to get him out of this place soon or he's just gonna waste away stressing over what happened. It's been months and he's not making any progress at all. He won't even go for therapy! Kevin, please tell me you have some ideas?"

"Well, I think what he needs is a completely fresh start. There are just too many memories for him in this place. He could move to a new house and he should really get a new job. I'm no expert when it comes to depression so we'll have to consult his therapist about it, but she did say a change of scenery would help, so this might just work."

          "I'm not going anywhere."

Both Esther and Kevin's heads snapped up to the source of the deep voice. Avi was standing by the door of his room with his arms crossed, a determined look on his face.

Esther rose from her seat and slowly approached her brother. "Avi, I don't think you realize how bad this is affecting you. We're just trying to come up with ideas to help you out."

          "Well, maybe I don't need your help. I'm fine. I'm perfectly happy living here."

"Fine? Happy? Avi, you are depressed! You're shutting people out, you haven't had a proper conversation with anyone in weeks, and now you're jobless. We're all worried about you. I agree with Kevin, I think a change of place would do you good."

          "I'm not going to move out of this place, Esther. Kevin was right, there ARE too many memories in this house; too many for me to just drop, leave behind and try to forget. I can't leave! This place is the only connection I have with her."

Esther was getting more frustrated by the minute and her voice rose in volume as she tried to get her point across. "You don't seem to realize that you're not just hurting yourself, but also everyone around you. Sarah is gone, Avi. We're all terribly sorry it happened, but you have to move on. You can't just mope around all day feeling bad for yourself-"

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