Chapter 4 (Kevin)

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A/N: Hey guys, sorry the update was a day late, I've been hella busy with school. But enjoy and as usual, dedications are still open if you find the hidden Pentatonix song in each chapter. :)

This is a pretty long author's note, so feel free to skip this. :)

P.S. Still not over how amazing the Evolution of Michael Jackson is. PTX are the masters of evolutions. Absolutely brilliant as usual. Nothing more needs to be said nor can be said with words.

P.P.S So happy and proud of America. Finally same-sex marriage has been legalized in all states. What took them so long? Anyway, I'm so happy for all the same-sex couples who can finally hear their wedding bells ring. Now we shall wait for the rest of the world to follow in their footsteps. Go celebrate love y'all! (After you read my story of course, haha :P) #LoveIsLove #LoveWins #MakingHistory

Now without further ado, let's carry on with the story.


          "I'm on my way there. Don't worry Ryan, I'll get there in time."

"Kevin, the guests will be here in less than an hour. You better run all the way here if you have to, just get here before your show starts."

          "Don't sweat it, bro. I'll be there. See ya."

          Kevin hung up the phone and continued pushing his way through the downtown LA crowd. It always baffled him how things never worked out his way whenever he was in a hurry. First his car broke down, and he couldn't get an Uber in time. Now, he was trying to make his way through the Valentine's Day street-goers by foot with his giant cello case slung over his back, all the way to the venue. A mutual friend of his was having a Valentine's Day party and she had hired Kevin at his friend Ryan Parma's recommendation to do a cello-boxing gig at the party.

           That's how he made his living here in LA. A few small gigs performing a self-invented talent. It wasn't like the high paying medical job his parents were disappointed he gave up pursuing. Heck with his brains and thirst for education, he could be living the life of royals and saving so many lives. However, Kevin preferred sharing his talent and saving lives through the power of music. He was content and grateful for this life and could see a fairly bright future if he worked diligently at it.

          He had heard that the host was acquaintances with some big names from the music industry that were also in the guest list for the party. Kevin was hoping that some companies would enjoy his cello-boxing performance and find him worthy enough to have him signed under their labels.

          However, at the rate he was going right then, he would not be surprised if he arrived at the venue just in time for the show.

          Kevin had always been a very religious person. But the unexpected events that took place that day tripled his faith radically.

          Not seconds after Kevin crossed an intersection, a black sedan came swerving towards him and crashed into a lamppost, just barely a few feet behind him. He quickly shielded himself with his hands as pieces of glass flew forward from the broken windshield. If he had been just a few seconds behind, he would have definitely been crushed to death by the vehicle.

          Kevin just stood frozen there in shock as he watched the bearded man in the driver's seat get out of the vehicle and run towards the direction the car came from. He noticed a small crowd was beginning to gather at the opposite side of the intersection. When he snapped out of his daze, he realized there was a young woman struggling to undo her seatbelt in the wrecked car. He was a little bit tempted to turn and walk away since he was already late for his show, but the Samaritan in him made him walk towards the car. He leaned his cello against the wrecked hood of the car and got into the driver's seat.

         "Hey, you okay? Are you hurt? What's your name?" he asked slowly.

She looked up at him. She still seemed a little shaken up from the crash."Uh, yeah. I think I'm okay, I'm Sarah. I'm stuck. I can't unbuckle the seatbelt."

          "Here, let me try." He managed to unbuckle it after giving the clasp a few hard tugs. "There, you think you can get out of the car now?"

"Yeah, thanks. I just- Ahh!" Her hands flew to her knee and looked down at her ankle. It was pretty swollen. "I didn't even realize I hurt it. I don't think I can stand up. It's too painful."

          His medical training kicked in and he leaned over to check the swelling. "Don't worry, you might have broken it but there doesn't seem to be much damage, so it should heal pretty quickly. I'll just call for an ambulance-"

"No, I'm fine! We hit someone just before we crashed. My boyfriend Avi has gone to check on him. Please go and help them. I'm sure they need more assistance than me. I'll just wait in here."

          He was hesitant to just leave her there. She may seem fine but she could have had more hidden injuries elsewhere on or in her body. She barely felt the pain from her ankle until she moved it. "Are you absolutely sure you'll be fine?" he asked warily.


          He reluctantly got out of the car and grabbed his cello case before running over to the crowd across the intersection. He didn't want to risk losing his precious Beyoncé in all the chaos. Traffic had pretty much come to a standstill because of the accident. He pushed through the crowd a little to get a better look at the victim, his height being an advantage.

          He spotted Avi kneeling down next to an unconscious brunette and calling for an ambulance. He was wiping his nose with the back of his hand when someone in the crowd handed him a tissue, and he accepted it with a grateful nod. A blonde guy was trying to stop the victim's head from bleeding as best as he could, but there was already too much blood loss. The poor boy was pretty beat up and his broken leg was bent in a funny way. If he didn't make it to the hospital in time, he probably wouldn't survive.

          A huge commotion started all of the sudden when people started screaming from behind him and he heard the sound of heavy screeching tires. Just as he pivoted on his heels, he saw a huge semi skid out of control and head towards the wrecked car. He watched as the huge vehicle crashed into the black car. It took him a few seconds to remember that Sarah was still in the car and he felt his heart drop to his stomach.

          He noticed that Avi's face had blanched and he seemed too stunned to move. When he looked back towards the wreckage, he saw the trail of fuel dripping from the front of the semi forming a small stream on the road. There was a lot of smoke coming from the wreckage and he got a really bad feeling about it.

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