Chapter 7 (Kirstie)

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A/N: Sorry for the late update guys. I've been traveling a lot for the past few days. Anyway, enjoy reading and finding the hidden song. :)


"Kirstie. Honey, please! Just stop screaming and calm down! There's nothing to be afraid of."

Kirstie's screams continued ringing through the apartment. Jeremy sighed, dropping his head into his hands in defeat as the screaming droned on. It hurt him to see the person he loves go through this, and it hurt even more that nothing he did to help her get better was working. He hated feeling so helpless, but he was also getting extremely frustrated with having to deal with this almost every single day for the past two months. He was at wit's end and almost at the point of giving up.

Whenever she got triggered, Kirstie would get a panic attack. If it wasn't controlled and stopped earlier on, she would fall into a corner, pressing her hands against her ears and squeezing her eyes shut. Then she would start screaming her lungs out, as if she was trying to drown out the voices in her head. At this point, Jeremy wouldn't even be able to approach her without her lashing out at him or kicking at him. He could only sit a couple feet away from her and try to calm her down, but it never worked.

This time, it was a paper cut Jeremy got that triggered her reaction. Kirstie had never been afraid of blood before, but ever since the accident, she only had to think about it to get a panic attack. Jeremy even tried to get her to see a doctor, but every time he mentioned it, Kirstie would lock herself in their bedroom for hours and not talk to him for the rest of the day.

It was depressing.

It took at least ten minutes for Kirstie's screams to die down. She just sat in the corner, crying silent tears and rocking herself back and forth. Jeremy slowly stood up and moved to her side. He put his arm over her shoulder and hugged her. He could feel her tense under his touch, and it made his heart hurt.

"You okay, honey?" He asked her softly. She just shook her head slowly. "You wanna talk about it?" Again he got the same response. He sighed and looked up to see Olaf crawling out from under their couch and slowly walk over to them. The first time he tried to comfort her while she had a panic attack, she accidently hit him. Since then, whenever it happened, the poor pooch would hide himself under the couch.

The husky sat down in front of Kirstie and licked at her clasped hands. She looked down at him and visibly calmed down a little. She sat upright with her legs crossed Indian style and stroked him. Olaf stood on his hind legs and started licking the tears away, earning a smile and a giggle from her. It made Jeremy a little jealous that only their dog could get her to calm down, but nonetheless, he was happy at least something seemed to work.

"Kirstie? Please. You know I can't help you unless you talk about it."

Her face fell instantly. She stood up and carried Olaf into their bedroom. When Jeremy tried to follow, the door slammed in his face and he heard the lock turn.

He leaned his head against the door. "Honey? Please. I can't keep doing this." At this point, Jeremy was afraid to leave Kirstie alone in the house, but he had to go to work. He was scared Kirstie would get another attack while he was gone and have to deal with it on her own. It had already been going on for two months, and god knows how long it will continue. "Let me in Kirstie. I just want to help you, and I can't do that if you keep distancing yourself from me like this."

The silence was broken when Jeremy's phone started ringing. He pulled out his phone, read the caller ID and groaned. It was Kirstie's mother. It was about time she started calling him. Kirstie had been ignoring her calls since the accident. He walked into the kitchen and reluctantly answered the call.

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