Chapter 6 (Mitch)

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          If this is heaven, it is freaking uncomfortable.

          That was the first thing that came to Mitch's mind as he was slowly pulled out of limbo. His body felt extremely stiff as he stirred in the hard bed he was lying on. He slowly opened his eyes, before immediately squeezing them shut as the sudden brightness attacked his pupils. He blinked a few times to let his eyes adjust to the fluorescent lights. When he tried to move his heavy head, he realized that his upper skull was wrapped up tight; probably because he had cracked his head open on the sidewalk. His right wrist and left leg were also bandaged up.

          His eyes landed on a tall silhouette standing by the window. As the brightness from outside dimmed down a little bit, he could make out the back of a blonde haired man. Mitch's heart started racing for a moment when he thought it was Trevor standing there. The sudden increased beeping of his heart monitor alerted the stranger of Mitch's consciousness, and he turned around to face Mitch and smiled. Relief washed over Mitch as he realized it was not his ex-boyfriend.

"You're awake! Just a minute, I'll go get the doctor." He walked out quickly before Mitch could question him on anything. Mitch noticed the glass of water on the bedside table and realized he was parched. He tried to push himself up to a seated position, but he instantly gave up with a groan when he felt how sore his body was. Eventually, the door swung open again and a doctor walked in, followed by the blonde stranger, who stopped by the door and observed.

"Hello Mr. Grassi. I'm Dr. Hughes. I'm glad to see that you are finally awake. How are you feeling?"

          "Dizzy, thirsty and extremely sore."

"Well, that is expected. You took quite a lot of damage in that accident. Let me just check your vitals, turn up the painkillers a little bit and try to sit you up." He walked over and fiddled around with the machines a little before writing down a few things on the clipboard at the foot of his bed. Then he slowly helped Mitch sit up against the pillows. "As you can tell, the injury that worried us the most was the one to your head. You lost quite a lot of blood but thankfully there wasn't any brain damage or blood clot. You just had a pretty bad concussion, so that's gonna be giving you headaches from hell for the next couple of weeks, and you might pass out a few times."

          "Good to know." Mitch said, causing Dr. Hughes and the stranger to chuckle.

"You also cracked your wrist and the tibia on your left leg. You'll need to take physiotherapy for those, but you should be good as new in about three to four months. Now I'll leave you to rest, I'm sure you're exhausted and the pain killers will make you drowsy once they kick in. I'll just be back to check on you in a couple of hours."

          Mitch thanked him and watched him hang the clipboard at the foot of the bed before walking out the door, nodding at the stranger with a smile as he passed him. Then, the blonde walked slowly towards the bed with an amiable smile. Mitch wanted to know who this guy was but suddenly remembered he was thirsty. The introductions could wait. He really needed a drink first. "Could you please help me with the water?"

"Oh, sure." He walked over quickly to the table and passed Mitch the glass of water. Then he set the glass back down on the table after Mitch took a few gulps.

          Mitch smiled gratefully at the man. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. By the way, I'm Scott Hoying."

          "It's nice to meet you Scott. I'm Mitch Grassi. I would shake hands with you but apparently it's broken," he joked and earned a laugh from Scott. He couldn't help but notice how his gorgeous, baby blue eyes squinted and how his smile pulled up to his ears to reveal his pearly whites. His pale face would even turn a light shade of oink when he laughed. He couldn't deny, this guy was really cute. Snap out of it Mitch! "Thank you for helping me, but... why did you stay with me when you don't even know me?"

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