Chapter 11 (Mitch)

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A/N: Hey lovelies! How great is the new PTX album right? IT'S FRICKING AMAZING! My top 5 are Water, Light In The Hallway, Rose Gold, Misbehavin' and Ref. The songs are all so good and so different, not at all what would generally be expected from an A Cappella group. They've truly outdone themselves.
Comment what your favorite songs are from the album.

P.S. New songs also means more choices for me to hide in this story. Can you find them? :)

"You know what I've always wanted?" He waited until Scott looked up from his pancakes before continuing. "A YouTube channel."

"Oh yeah? You mean like, ASMR?" He teased.

Mitch glared at him. "That's not all I watch ya' know," he said, stabbing into another piece of waffle. "It'd be like a vlog channel, but not like one of those youtubers who do overdone challenges which get too boring too fast. Just 'sit-down-and-talk' style videos probably."

"So why don't you have one yet?"

"I don't know. I just never got around to doing it I guess. My life's been a bit of a rollercoaster thus far so I've never really been able to sit down one day and decide to film something. Plus I'm pretty sure I would suck at editing and eventually give up on the whole thing," he said with a cute roll of his eyes.

Scott thought about it for a moment, then suddenly burst out, "Hey, I have an idea! Why don't we start a channel together?" He asked with a hint of hopefulness in his voice.

Mitch's hand which was bringing a forkful of waffles to his mouth stopped in midair. He turned confused eyes to Scott. "Together? Like, you and me?"

"That's what together means silly. I like watching youtubers and I think what they do is fun. I've considered doing a comedy show or something too but never bothered to since I was focused on my music. But if we're on the same page, why not give it a go? I'm sure it would be more fun with two people anyway."

Mitch let the gears turn in his head as he considered the suggestion. It was a really good idea. He could finally add something new that he his routine that he had always wanted to try. Besides, it would also mean he could spend more time with Scott. Not only could he kill two birds with one stone, but any second spent with Scott was sure to be fun. "Okay, let's do it." He nodded at the man across from him, his smile growing when the blonde's face lit up excitedly.

"Great! Firstthings first, we have to set up the channel and actually film something. I have little experience with editing but I'm sure we can work it out. My friend Ryan Parma is a freelance director. He could get us started with the filming equipment. Then maybe we can even have a cute little intro with catchy music."

Mitch was impressed. Part of the reason he had agreed to the idea was because he thought it was just an 'in the moment' discussion and it probably wouldn't materialize, but Scott seemed dead serious about it and his excitement was super contagious. "Say no more, I'm sure I can whip up a cool little tune for that."

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