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In which you finally LEAVE
there's a part where u get jumped and SAed bc just because I'm doing better doesn't mean I'm still not a lil fucked up lol I'll put the ~~ again to mark the beginning and end of that lolz

Catra's words burn in your mind as you make your way to a skiff, packing nothing but a few ration bars and, against your better judgement, the dress. Either they accept you as you are or not at all, there was no use bringing it to pretend you're someone you're not. You wonder if her throwing you out was her attempt at getting you to do what you're doing now, but she would never have wanted you to leave her like Adora did. After all, she did make you promise. You just hope this doesn't make her spiral more than she already is. You don't know why she's closer to Hordak, but you thank the stars she figured out his plans before you found out the hard way.

You race out with the skiff and hear the alarms fading behind you, installed courtesy of your previous escapade with Catra and Adora in case they were stolen again. You drive a long time through the woods, taking care to not hit a tree like you guys did last time, even though that was more a product of Catra's recklessness than someone not paying attention.

You finally reach a castle when the sun begins to rise and you wonder how long you have been traveling for. It was made entirely of crystal glittering in the soft sun peeking through the dense canopy of trees, creating dappled shadows surrounding it. You dismount the skiff and enter, feeling your magic respond with the building around you. The inside is even more impressive than the outside: crystal walls rising hundreds of feet into the air, all prisms refracting the light streaming in into rainbows. Everything was just so, impossibly, shiny. You had never seen so much brightness in your life.

You venture deeper within the castle and feel your power grow. A robotic voice interrupts your thoughts: "Hello, Princess (Y/N) of Lyra. I am Light Hope." You turn around to see the hologram of who you're talking to.

"How do you know my name?" you're cautious, unsure if this Light Hope is to be trusted.

"I am a database containing all that is known, but I primarily exist to control She-ra."


"I ensure She-ra always aligns with the interests of the First Ones. She must not stray from their mission." You find it strange a warrior princess needs to be mind-controlled, but you know Adora excels at following orders.

"If you're a database, do you know why I'm magic?"

"Lyra was the second kingdom the Horde took over. It was in such a remote location, only its inhabitants knew of it so it made a better target. It was the kingdom of the stars, until Mara took the stars away and they lost all power. The Horde took no prisoners, except you." Light Hope explained, "You can thank Light Spinner for that."

"Can you teach me about my magic?"

"I'm afraid I don't know what powers your magic. You are far from any possible runestone and there are no stars to guide you. It responds to this castle enough for it to not see you as a foreigner, but She-ra should be the only one allowed in. I will search our archives for more information, if you'd like."

"No, it's ok," you sigh, sadly, having a good feeling no one knew why you even existed, "I better go. Thank you." With that, you exit the castle  and venture deeper into the forest. After an hour or so of riding, you find a bustling city surrounding an even larger castle than the one you just left behind. You wonder why the shiny castle was even there. Its only inhabitant is a robot, but maybe She-ra came by too if Light Hope said she was there to "make sure she aligned with the First Ones." It sounded like brainwashing to you.

You abandon the skiff on the outskirts of the city and make your way inside, contemplating the fact that not even a database knew what you were. At least you learned that no one knew of Lyra because it got destroyed and all of its inhabitants were killed. Except you. How fun. As you make your way toward the castle, you get dirty looks. Puzzled, you walk on, thinking you left all signs that you were of the Horde when you abandoned the skiff.

You are almost to the castle when you notice a group of men has been following you. You stay alert but keep walking, despite them getting closer to you. And closer. And closer. And closer. Until one is able to drag you into an alleyway and they begin dogpiling you. "Not so tough now, huh, Horde scum?" You try to fight back but there are too many of them. Four? Maybe five large men have you surrounded. You try to call upon your magic but it is nowhere to be found. In the Horde, when you were losing this badly, the fight would be called and you were declared the loser and everyone moved on. There was no one here to call the fight, and there were no opponents for them to move onto here.
"Let's see who you really are," one said. It seemed to you that they already knew. To your shock, they start pulling at your clothes when you realize what you were wearing. Your training uniform had the Horde symbol, making it clear as day that you were their enemy. You felt hands all over you, their touch feeling like fire on your skin. Despite not having your magic, you fight like hell. They push you on your back and you kick one in the stomach, knocking the wind out and stopping him for a moment. One pulls your jacket off, revealing your tight training shirt. "We can't have this," another reaches for your chest and tries to rip it off while two others restrain your arms. After what feels like hours of struggle, they succeed and grin.

When they reach for your chest, something snaps inside of you and you take control of your fear. You feel your strength returning and the dark alley doesn't feel so dark anymore. The one reaching for your chest is first. You let the two holding your arms support you as you lift your legs and kick him to the wall across from you. With a quick maneuver, you pull your arms out of the mens' grip and reach around their heads, bashing them together. Only one remains, and you need to hurry because the others are recovering. You grab his head with both hands and try something new. You call some magic to your hands, reaching into his mind. You gasp as you realize just how insecure he is. It was easy to get to him, and he's quickly sprinting away, sobbing. You can feel the other three growing more afraid of you, but their hits have weakened after your blows. Unfortunately, you're tired as well. You won't be able to pull what you just did again.
You can feel yourself getting tired as your magic wanes, but the men do not seem to share your handicap. Your fear spirals out of control, and your strength is gone. You beg for someone to save you as you use the last of your magic to send a distress signal. A few minutes later, voice behind you shouts, "For the honor of GrayskAAAAAAAAA(Y/N)!!"

"Hey what did you do to Finn?" you infer that's their friend you actually managed to defeat.

"Don't try me unless you want to experience it yourself," you bluff, and it doesn't work. You don't even register Adora's presence until she jumps in front of you and knocks them all down with ease. You're surprised she never transformed, but you don't really care. You're just happy you can finally rest. "Oh hey Adoraa-" she yelps as you collapse into her arms.

The next thing you remember, you're waking up in an incredibly large, pastel bed in a giant, baby pink room to match.

whoopsie I wrote too much I planned to get thru more in this chapter as always but that means the next one will be a lil shorter bc I planned for this to be one part LOL anyway sorry for that idk what came over me to write that I put another dog pic as an apology !

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