Until Forever Part 3

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This is a FreenBecky Fanfic Story that is based on their upcoming movie Uranus2324. The same names were used but with different plot. Any similarities to the movie was not intended.

Freen Sarocha as Lin
Becky Armstrong as Kath



Lin went to fulfill her dream and Kath was left to continue her life as it should be.


On the Next Day;


Kath flipped the sign hanged on the door.

She got up early in the morning to open the shop.

"Ma'am, I've put the deliveries inside." her staff said.

Even before Lin left, she hired someone she had trained to help Kath in the shop and she made sure he could be trusted.

"Okay, thank you. When you're done with that, you'll also have breakfast before the customers arrive." Kath said to the man.

This is the first day without Lin so she has to adjust a lot.

She immediately sat down in her favorite spot in the garden whenever she reviewed the inventory while having her cup of coffee.

"Babe ka my coffee please." she said while focusing on the laptop screen.


But she quickly muted when she realized what had happened.

"Lin is no longer here to make me coffee." she said sadly to herself.

She sighed and closed the laptop and stood up to brew coffee for herself.

It seems that she is new to her set-up now even though since then she has been doing things alone.

"Sawatdee ka Khun can I order bulk orders for this tote bag? I found the designs very beautiful." a lady customer said to her.

In her hand is the bag that Lin personally painted and designed as one of her own brand that they're selling here at the shop.

"Yes of course mam, wait I'll check for the stocks." Kath responded. She excused herself for a while to check on the stock room.

Seeking for the box where the products are in, she accidentally dropped something on the floor.

A squared board covered with paper.
And she immediately tore it up to open it.

It is a painting.

A painting of a beach, sunset and her.

Her tears instantly fell as she stares on it.
She's full of emotions as her fingers run thru it scanning every details.

*By Lin*

And the painter's name below made her cry even more.

Lin painted it and she haven't seen it yet but just now. Guess her faen wanted to surprise her with this.

She touched something from the back and there's a letter attached to it so she took it and read it.

*Happy Anniversary baby! I'm not sure if I can give it to you personally before i leave so I just wrote this letter for you. Making you my girlfriend was the best decision I ever made. Every day I find new things about you love. Thanks for putting up with me for another year. I love you more and more each day. Except yesterday, you were pretty annoying then haha my grumpy cutie faen. Peace yow baby! Ever since I met you my life has been infinitely better. I’m grateful every day for our love, and you make me a better version of me. When I say ‘I love you’, it’s not out of habit. It’s to remind you that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’ve fallen in love many times. Always with you. Loved you yesterday, love you still, always have, always will. Please wait for me ka? And the moment I came back to you is the moment to start our forever. Will you be my wifey? Hehe I'm so excited! Wait for me then I'll propose to you with the ring!"

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