Part Three

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2 weeks later...

"Dude chill," I giggle as Nova continues to tickle me against my will.

"Just admit you got a crush on me and I'll let you go," She shrugs, stopping to look at me.

"I don't have a crush on you," I say with a serious tone. We all knew I was lying.

She shakes her head with a chuckle, "Drew told me something different."

"I swear to fucking god her mouth is huge," I make a mental note to say something about this to Drew tomorrow.

"So now you're admitting it?" She smirks, catching me off guard.

My eyes widen, a small blush tint present on my cheeks, "We just met, how would I have a crush that fast?"

"Usually doesn't take this long," She shrugs with a smile.

"Don't flatter yourself asshole," I playfully roll my eyes.

"I have to when I look this good," She does a typical light skin face. I grab the closest pillow next to me and smack her in the face with it.

"Get the fuck out," I laugh loudly as I continue to hit her.

"You know you love me, stop fighting it Bil!" She shouts as I chase her around my house with a pillow.

"Did we interrupt something?" Finneas and his girlfriend Claudia stand at the front door awkwardly.

"Yes you did strawberry shortcake, please get out," I roll my eyes.

"It's kinda my house too so I'm good," His girlfriend walks ahead of him as he whispers in my ear, "Calling me a strawberry shortcake is real rich coming from a certified emo."

I touch my short, dyed black hair in shock, "Bitches love it!"

"You're gay??" Nova says in fake shock. I look back and forth between the pillow in my hand and her before throwing it at her and running.

"I'm gonna kill you O'Connell," I hear her footsteps, deciding to hide in my very dark garage.

After a while of hiding, I don't hear Nova anymore. Deciding to go find where she is, I start to leave the garage.

"If we were in a horror movie, you would be the first one to die," A familiar voice says behind me causing me to scream.

During my short panic attack, I realize it's just Nova and she's just looking at me and laughing.

"Now I'm really gonna kick you out," I flip her a middle finger, heading back inside the main part of the house, Nova following closely behind.

"I mean you kinda can't since we have a project we still need to do," She shrugs with a smirk.

"I'll kill you before this is over," I give her a smirk back.

"What's your deal with me?" She asks with a playful undertone behind her words.

'I wonder if she's ever serious' I thought to myself before deciding to ask, "Have you ever been serious once in your life?"

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