Chapter 6

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Rose didn't get in until late evening, Bellatrix more than insistent on walking her home.
The pair entered the house, Rose glancing around the hall shyly, she sighed in relief when she couldn't see anyone.
"Why so tense Rosie?" Bellatrix made the woman jump and stumble, grabbing hold of a smirking Bellatrix to keep her upright.
The ravenette quirked her brow, looking down at the brightly pink cheeked blonde. She quickly stood up, and brushed the imaginary creases from her dress, avoiding to meet the taller witch's eyes.

"You know love, if you wanted to be in my arms you merely had to ask." At that comment Rose nearly died, her entire face was a bright shade of pink, and her heart was beating so fast she was fairly certain it was trying to escape her body and take on a life of its own out there in the world.

" wasn't....I mean....I" the blonde stammered, finding words to very difficult at the moment and forming a sentence was impossible, especially when those chocolatey eyes stared into her soul. Her mind went blank, all she could see was chocolate. Swirls of never ending, deliciously warm gooey chocolate. Unknowingly Rose linked her lips, which resulted in a growl from Bellatrix who inches closer to the woman.
"You are such a tease Rosie." That voice was new, Rose hadn't heard such low, soft, husky sound from the witch before and oh how she liked it, no loved it, she could easily sleep wrapped up snugly in that newfound velvety voice of hers.
A smirk tugged at the cruel woman's lips, she could see the effect her voice had on the woman, and took great pride in causing her to gasp and whimper with just that voice alone.
She leaned down, until her face was inches away from the shell shocked blonde and grinned evilly.
"What am I going to do with you, my little Irish Rose."

And just like that Rose's legs gave way. Her breath hitched as a chuckling Bellatrix took her forearms and steadied the woman, pulling her far closer than necessary.
"Carful Love, wouldn't want you to get hurt."

Just at that moment Minerva appeared from the living room, Severus hot on her tail, she stopped abruptly at the sight of the two women. Bellatrix quirked her brow at the disheveled, blushing Minerva who quickly did her best to stand tall and clasp her robe shut.
Bellatrix's averted her attention to the man behind her, and gave him a smirk.
"Rose!Bella! I didn't hear you come in."
"I can see that, I wonder what could have possibly been distracting those cat ear powers of yours." That wasn't a question and everyone in the room, save Rose knew it.
"I was busy, Tis all."
"Were you Minerva? Or was the big guy behind you busy." The ravenette grinned wickedly, flickering her glances between husband and wife.
"I might ask you the same, is there a reason you have your arms around Minerva's cousin?" Severus arched his brow, daring the witch to make another comment.
"Oh I was helping her stand, very uneven footing you see" her eyes drifted to Tose who had yet to say anything.
"Isn't that right Rosie?" The woman could just about manage to nod.

"I trust Your evening went well?" Minerva asked, a smile tugging at her lips.
"It did indeed, how was your meeting with Albus?" Bellatrix responds, not once wavering her hold on Rose, who still appeared to be on a completely different planet to everyone else.
"Well about as interesting as a meeting can get when Albus is involved. However, there's a few things he'd like to discuss with you next week, if that's okay with you?"
"What does that man want now" Bellatrix grumbled with an eye roll but agreed to it nonetheless.

A few minutes later Bellatrix had wished a goodnight to all occupants of the house before taking her leave, a smile evident on her lips.
Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough for Bellatrix, her excitement at having the woman to herself again was too much. She'd managed to get the blonde beauty to agree to breakfast the next morning, and found herself growing more impatient by the minute. Oh but she needed to plan, needed to prepare the perfect outfit that will certainly keep Rose's attention on her and her alone.

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