Chapter 7

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"Good morning Rosie." Bella smiles taking a seat opposite Rose.
"G-god-no...Uh Good morning." Rose  glances at the girl before her then quickly looks away.
Bella smiles, this woman is too cute.
"So did you get a good nights sleep Rosie?" Bella smiles, ever so slowly moving her leg under the table and running it along Rose's foot, who suddenly grew quite tense.

"Oh um...I Uhh- ahh...yes?"
"Is that a question Rose or an answer?" Bella smirks, resting her chin in her hand.

Damn it, does she know what she's doing? No, probably not, I mean why on earth would this gorgeous specimen want to play footsie with an old hag like me, oh shoot what did she say?

"Yes." Rose said with more certainty this time.
"I'm glad, did you have any sweet dreams?" Bella asks innocently as she ran her foot further up Rose's leg.

Holy Mary and Joseph, breath Rose, breath.

"I hope you had wonderful dreams Rose, I know I did."
"Mhm" Rose manages a nod.
"Oh really, did I happen to be in those sweet dreams of yours Rosie?" Bella smirks.

Oh sweet Jesus what the hell Is going on, her gorgeous lips are moving but I can't hear a thing. Just nod and agree.
"Yes" Rose smiles, then realised what the girl just said.
"No. Uhh- I mean...uhh-" Rose stutters, shifting her hand and accidentally knocking the glass of orange juice, that she didn't even notice was there, over and it smashed to the floor.
"Ah shit" Rose mumbles looking at the mess on the floor.

Now you've done it, you useless stupid git.
You just have to ruin everything. No wonder no one bloody likes you, you worthless piece of shit.

"Honestly Rose, you're too cute." Bella chuckles reaching out and taking the woman's hand in her own.

Oh sweet Mary and Joseph, she's holding my hand...again, and she called me cute. What in gods name is going on.

"I'll get you some more orange juice ladies." The man said causing Rose to jump slightly.
"That would be lovely, thank you." Bella smiles, gently squeezing Rose's sweaty hand.
"I-I'm Sorry." Rose sighs looking down at the table.
"For what love? You haven't done anything wrong." Bella smiles.
"I-I...Br-Broke the...the Glass." Rose stutters.

You stupid pathetic wimp. Look at you, she feels sorry for you, because you're so pathetic, I mean why the hell would she actually want to spend time with you.

"It's alright Rosie, accidents happen. They can't be helped." Bella began to caress Rose's hand with her thumb.
"Sweetheart, it's alright. Please don't get upset my dear little Rose." Bella brings the woman's hands to her lips and placed a soft kiss on the back of her hand.

Rose gasps, looking up at the girl.
Bella smiles, placing another kiss in the palm of Rose's hand.
"Sorry love, I couldn't help myself." Bella places Rose's hand back on the table, though she didn't leave it go. Rose began blushing furiously whilst looking down.


After breakfast Bella manages to convince Rose to go for a walk with her.
Bella happily links arms with the older woman as they walk along the path.
"So Rose, tell me about yourself. I want to know everything."
"Oh- Uh I'm- I'm pretty ah boring." Rose looks at the floor.
"Nonsense. I think you're wonderful, and I'd love to get to know you better." Bella smiles, nudging the woman playfully.

Wonderful. She thinks I'm wonderful, why is she being so nice? Isn't it obvious, Minerva put her upto this, I mean why would she like you.
You have nothing she could possibly want or need. No! Stop it, she said I'm wonderful that clearly means she likes me. Honestly Rose, I mean look at you, it's so obvious Minerva put her upto this and she agreed because she probably takes pity upon you. Because you're pretty pathetic.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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